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[ I'm only over half way through the story, so buckle up, it's gonna be a long fun ride.]


Toni couldn't concentrate in class that whole day.

Cheryl Blossom did just kiss her, passionately, I might add.

That feeling of Cheryl's lips on hers was pure paradise.

Usually when people in books say they had melted whenever their love interest had kissed them, Toni couldn't understand them.

Now she did.

She couldn't think of any reason why Cheryl would did what she did.

Toni didn't care.

She didn't know why she was feeling that way, either.

She's kissed girls before.

Like a lot.

None of them topped what she felt that morning.

Did Cheryl actually like her?

Like maybe more than a friend? Why would she kiss her otherwise?

Toni knew she was supposed to hate Cheryl, but since day one, she just couldn't bring herself to do so.

Was it because, she too, liked her? More than a friend even?

Toni noticed herself blushing whenever she's near Cheryl or when Cheryl blindly did these intimate things to her, like holding her hand, staring at her lips, getting so close to her without thinking too much about it.

Toni didn't want to believe it, but that kiss made everything all clear.

Would Cheryl feel the same way about her too, despite all that hate she seemed to have towards the Serpents?

Then why all those insults? Those discriminating comments? Was it all for show?

Toni broke out of her daydream only when someone clapped their hands in front her face.

' Hello. Earth to Toni?' They said.
It was Reggie, with that charming smirk on his face.


Toni had that problem too.

Now being with Reggie while feeling all these things about Cheryl was about to get awkward.

' Hey, Reggie.' Toni said.

' You okay? You seem distracted.' He replied.

' No, its fine. What were you saying?'

' I was saying that rebel without a cause is showing at the Twilight Drive- In one last time before they shut down and that we should go there, together. Thursday night. What do you say?'

' Movie date? On a school night?'

' Since when did you care about what days we watched movies?'

' Okay you've only know me for like two days, but yes, I don't care about that.'

' Does that mean you're coming with me?'

' Sure, I'll watch the movie with you.'

Toni really did want to watch the movie, or just spend time with Reggie.

But whatever happened this morning had clouded her feelings about him.

She's thinking too much, she thought to herself, as she went home that day.

Cheryl didn't show up for the Annual Dance preparations Wednesday afternoon.

Although Toni knew it was going to be awkward, she still wanted to talk to Cheryl about their kiss, about them.

Reggie made small talk with her the whole time, abandoning Archie.

Archie wasn't exactly alone, he was busy flirting with Veronica Lodge and a few of the Pussycats, who just rolled their eyes at him.

' So whatever happened to Cheryl?' Reggie casually asked, his tall frame hovering over Toni as he stringed a few balloons to the high wall.

Toni's heart dropped at the mention of her name.

She shrugged, not wanting to look nervous.

' Hell if I know.'

' I'm sorry, about how we've been treating the Serpents.'

Reggie blurted out of nowhere.

' Are you just saying that because you're kind of going out with me?'

' No, i mean it. Spending time with you made me realise that.'

' Well, if you're actually sorry, you should treat all of us the same way, not just me, and I know the others are a bit handful, but, okay?'

' I'll try.'

He said, reaching out to squeeze her shoulders in assurance.

Toni gave him a weak smile.

' Now, help me with these decorations.'

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