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It was the most awkward interaction Toni's ever had in her life.

' Hey.' Reggie said as he hugged her tight.

' Hey.' Toni replied.

' Hey.' Toni turned and said to Cheryl, who was crossing her arms.

' Hey.' Cheryl replied, now uncrossing her arms.

' I came over this morning, but you weren't out yet. So I went to school.'

' It's okay. Thanks for bailing me out. Everything's still a blur, but thank you too.'

Toni gestured towards Cheryl.

' I did what any of your friends would've, if they weren't sharing the same jail cell as yours.'

Cheryl cooly replied.

Friends. That word hurt harder than the taser.

It got silent for a moment before Reggie cleared his throat to announce that he was going to football practice.

' I'll leave you two girls.' He smiled and went his way.

The air suddenly felt cooler as the sky darkened, as if to warn them of the rain.

The two of them stood there, staring out into the clouds.

It was their first time being alone since that Monday morning.

' You know, he was going to give you a ride home first.'

Cheryl shyly picked at the invisible lint on her plaid skirt.

Who was she kidding? Her skirt never has lint.

' Ohh.'

' Then I told him I was going to take you to Pop's.'

' You did?' Toni asked, surprised.

' Well, aren't you hungry?'

' I'm famished.' Toni complained.

Cheryl laughed at that and the awkward tensions seemed to have faded away.

They didn't talk much for the whole car ride to the diner, except for the occasional 'it's about to rain' or the 'do you want to roll the windows down?' conversation.

They also didn't talk much during their time at Pop's while they were eating.

Silence was there, but it wasn't the awkward kind of silence.

Only when they got out of the diner and into the evening sun, did the awkwardness came back.

Cheryl didn't start the car straight away.

In fact, she hasn't start the car at all.

' I'm sorry.' Cheryl spoke, ever so softly.

Toni stopped midway rubbing her eyes and turned to face Cheryl.

' Sorry for what?'

' For doing what I did that morning.'

' You mean, kissing me?'

' Yes, it was selfish of me and I don't know, I got, caught up with the moment. I hope you're not mad at me.'

She replied, her voice low and apologetic.

' Why would I be mad at you?'

Cheryl turned to face her.

' I kissed you, knowing that you're dating Reggie.'

Toni turned back and rested her head against the seat.

' Okay, everyone has to stop saying that. We're just going out.'

' What's the difference?'

' We're not boyfriend and girlfriend. That's the difference.'

' So you're not mad?'

' No, of course not. A little surprised but no.'

Cheryl felt relief spreading through her body.

' Does that mean you...'

' don't mind you kissing me?'

Toni laughed softly, staring ahead of her.

' I just want to know why.' Toni said, knowing that Cheryl would feel uneasy at the question.

Cheryl played with the chain of her car keys.

' I sort of have a crush on you.' She said to the keys.

' You do?' Toni slowly turned to look at Cheryl, whose face was now beet red.

Cheryl nodded, still looking at the keys.

Toni said nothing for a moment, staring at her lap.

And then, in the quietest voice possible, said,

' Would you be surprised if I said I have a crush on you too?'

Cheryl stopped playing with the chains.

Now it was Cheryl who turned towards Toni with the widest eyes possible.

' You what?'

' I have a crush on you, Cheryl. I didn't realise it until you kissed me.'

' What about Reggie?'

' I'm still trying to figure it all out.'

The car became quiet for a moment as the both of them digested whatever confession they received.

Then Cheryl shifted in her seat.

' I should take you home.' Cheryl started the engine, not wanting to talk about Reggie or anything else when Toni had just told her that she, too had a crush on her.

They said nothing the whole way back.

The car stopped a few blocks away from the trailers.

Toni unfastened her seatbelt but didn't leave the car immediately.

' So I'll see you at school?' Cheryl said.

' Imm hmm.' Toni said, and opened the door to get out of the car.

As she was about to get out, she closed them back again and in a few seconds, before she could stop to think, kissed Cheryl gently.

This seemed to have surprised Cheryl but their kiss never broke.

They only stopped when they were breathless and hot from their little activity.

' Thanks for the ride, Blossom.' Toni said as she got out of the car, sweating.

She was sure of one thing.

This car was an amazing place to make out in.

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