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When her mind cleared enough to make sense of her surroundings, Toni found herself in yet another school hallway, although she had no idea where in the building, or when.

She could hear, but she couldn't understand.

Her head felt heavy, her vision blurred, but there was no longer smoke, or fire around them.

And she was on her knees.

Sweat trickled down from the side of her face, and only when the drops reached the floor she noticed it wasn't sweat.

Because it was blood, and she was losing a lot of it.

She tried to find something else to distract her from the pounding pain, that spread to the whole right side of her face.

It took some time, but the voices became more comprehensible.

It was Cheryl, and her father.

So Clifford Blossom has been behind this setup. She finally realized.

Any decent human being with a brain would've connected the dots.

At least Cheryl was alive, and fine enough to be having an argument with her father.

'Well, who do we have here?' Clifford Blossom said.

She's never personally talked to the man until now, and even though he was the father of her girlfriend, respect was no longer an option.

'Buzz off..' She said weakly.

She blinked a few times to see Cheryl beside her father, being held onto by two large men, no doubt her father's henchmen, before realizing Toni herself was also being held by two similar men.

There were bodies everywhere, ghoulies and serpents likewise.

What had she missed when they were locked in the burning building? Toni wondered.

'She's a handful, isn't she?' He said coldly, at Cheryl.

A shuffle of feet in the corridor made all heads turn, except Clifford Blossom, who has been staring at Toni with interest.

Jughead dropped beside her, another pair of men in toll.

Where was Sweetpea, and Fangs? She wanted to ask.

'Why are you doing this, Daddy?' Cheryl cried out.

So she hasn't been gone that long if Cheryl's only asking that question now, Toni thought.

'To cleanse the town of the filth, Cheryl. You've been influenced by them, just like your brother was.'

After that, the man took out a revolver from his inside pocket and pointed it at Jughead.

The boy closed his eyes, but didn't flinch. Instead, he scoffed.

'Don't you think we should tell her, Toni?'

Even in her dazed state, Toni knew what he was talking about.

They looked at her, but she was only looking at Cheryl.

'Why don't you ask your father if he knew who killed Jason?' She said quietly.

Clifford Blossom flinched at that.

'Did you kill him, Mr. Blossom?' Toni asked the man, her voice sounding braver than she feels.

Because she feels like shit right now, it's a wonder she hasn't passed out yet.

'Did you shoot your own son in the head, Mr. Blossom?' Jughead asked, provoking him.

Clifford Blossom reacted to that. And it was all the proof that Cheryl needed.

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