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' Oh good, a Serpent.' Cheryl rolled her eyes as she said the words.
Toni could smell the sarcasm from four blocks away. This was going to be one hell of a detention, she thought.
' Ms.Topaz. Take your seat please.' The teacher said, not looking up once.
Toni sat two chairs over from Cheryl.
After a while, It became silent.
And Toni had made the mistake of staring at her for too long.
' Ugh, will you please stop staring at me like that?' Cheryl whispered.
Toni sat up straight. Once she was sure the teacher didn't hear anything, she apologised.
' Sorry.' She blushed. If Fangs and Sweet Pea had heard that she had blushed for this, she would not hear the end of it.
' It's alright. At least you don't look creepy like others do.'
Toni raised an eyebrow. Then laughed.
' I'm not joking, you should see how Chuck Clayton was checking me out during lunch time, and that's exactly why I had slapped him in the face in front of a teacher, and here I am.'
Toni smiled.
' Well that's good reason enough.'
' Daddy says I'm not supposed to talk to Serpents like you, but I'll do what I want.'
There it was. That bitchy tone of hers.
Normally there were two types of people in Riverdale High, those who fancied Cheryl Blossom and those who despised her. Toni was the only one with mixed feelings. The Serpents didn't really like her because her family had accused them of killing her twin brother Jason, and since she was a Serpent, she was supposed to hate her. Yet, sometimes, she feels sad and empathetic for her. I mean she did lose a brother. Whether or not she should be excited to be in a room with her was just one of the few thoughts that were swimming in her mind when the teacher dismissed them.
'It is past school curfew, you girls should head home and only home. Am I clear?'
Toni nodded. Cheryl didn't.
As Toni walked over to her locker, Cheryl called out from behind, her high heels clicking loud and clear in the deserted hallway.
' Hey, Serpent.'
She turned around.
' I thought you weren't supposed to talk to people like us.' Toni said.
As if not hearing a single word Toni had said, Cheryl continued speaking.
' I think we should stay past curfew, do some stuff the teachers wouldn't like, you know.'
' I think we shouldn't.' Toni replied.
' What, are you scared of having a little fun?'
' No. I'm trying not to get into trouble. Besides, the teacher specifically told us to head home and you're planning to do the exact opposite of that.'
' I don't want to go home.'
' That's not my problem.' Toni turned away but that girl wouldn't take no for an answer.
' I dare you to stay past curfew, and if you do all the other things I dare, I'll make the students leave your gang alone.' Toni liked the idea of Serpents not being discriminated and not being called south side trash once in a while and Cheryl was offering her something that could end all that.
And if someone could control students of Riverdale High in such a way, it would be Cheryl Blossom.
Even if she couldn't think of a reasonable thought as to why Cheryl was eager to be with Toni that evening, a small part of her wanted to do stupid things that could get the both of them in trouble but she wasn't going to admit that.
' Also, if we get caught, you'll take the blame.'
' Are you shitting me?'
' No. So try not to get us both caught.'
Toni sighed.
' If I accept your dare, will you keep the end of your bargain?'
' I will.' She gave a smile that's so beautiful Toni couldn't help but smile back.
' Fine. Deal.' Toni said as she shook Cheryl's extended hand, which Cheryl never let go but instead grabbed it tight and lead the way out of the building.
Toni knew she was in it for the night, and there was no backing out now.

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