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' You don't want to do this, man.' Jughead repeated.

' I know, but you're not leaving me any choice.'

' She's useless to you dead. Same way her brother was.'

Cheryl hoped Jughead was saying the last part to get to Malachai's head because she doesn't want to think of any other explanation.

Not even an hour ago, she had told Toni that she wanted to join the serpents, now all this was making her doubt her decision once again.

And Toni. Where the hell was she?

' Listen, man, we can give her to her father, for a price.'

Malachai laughed and Cheryl felt his hot breath on her neck.

' I told her the same thing, only she told us you serpents weren't like that.'

Jughead was looking between her, Malachai, and something behind them that Cheryl was thinking how Malachai hadn't even noticed it. Maybe he was too busy trying to hold Cheryl hostage.

' Tell us, man. Tell us everything. We're on the same side. You don't think her father's got dirt on you? Same way he got on us?' Jughead tried to reason again.

' Well, I know something you all don't.' His hand on the blade was trembling now, which wasn't doing Cheryl any good.

' What is that, then?'

' I know who killed Jason Blossom.'

Everyone was so focused on the show Jughead was putting on that they didn't realise what was happening until Malachai slipped away from Cheryl and dropped to the ground.

Cheryl turned around, to see Toni, a similar baseball bat in hand, definitely the one responsible for swinging it all the now un-concious Ghoulies leader.

Out of all the weapons they could've used. Cheryl shook her head.

Toni was still staring down at him.

' He was gonna tell us, Toni!' Jughead said from behind Cheryl.

' Seriously? He had a knife on her throat. We can threaten him later.' She said as a few serpent guys dragged his body away.

' You okay, Cheryl?' Toni softened as she walked towards her.

That brought back to her senses.

' Wait.' She shouted, and with reflexes she didn't know she had, grabbed the pocket knife in Jughead's hand.

She looked around for Sweetpea and walked over him, grabbing his tall figure by his shirt, and put the knife near his throat, the same way Malachai had did to her moments ago.

' I want the truth. Now.' She said with all the strength she had.

Jughead and Toni followed suit, clearly confused.

' What part of it?' Sweetpea replied.

' Who killed my brother?'

The other serpents were now gather around the commotion.

' I don't know that part.'

Jughead tried intervening but Sweetpea held out a hand to him.

' But you were there.'

' That doesn't mean I killed him.'

' Tell me who then.'

' I don't know.'

' Do you know who does?'

' You know I can't.'

His very cool response clicked something in her. She no longer felt angry. She just felt hurt. And apparently a little bit jealous.

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