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Reggie Mantle was now sure of a few things.

One, his new convertible was a shit place to make out in, and two, he was having the time of his life making out with Toni in said convertible.

And three, the movie fucking sucked.

People actually enjoyed said movie.

The serpents were being well, the serpents.

They were making loud comments, catcalling at one point, trashing beer cans everywhere, joking around and laughing to themselves.

But he had promised Toni he would be nice to them, so he didn't say anything about it, out loud.

Toni was beside him, clearly having fun.

Almost every kid in town was here.

Even Cheryl Blossom.

He don't know why he thought of that.

Maybe because Cheryl's been acting weird around him or whenever he's with Toni.

Especially when he's with Toni.

Anyways, the craziest thing had happened and now he's at the police station.

Then Cheryl walked in, giving him the coldest glare he's ever gotten in his life.

Only if the both of them knew they were here for the same reason.

That reason?

To bail Toni out.

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