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' Okay, I am starting to regret this, for real.' Toni said to Cheryl as they struggled with the tall grasses that fenced the perimeter of the House of the Dead.

It was already dark when they arrived. They had just parked their car a little far from where they wanted to be, in case, someone saw it, and now they were sneaking their way into the Ghoulies' territory.

' Are you sure you know how to get inside?' Cheryl said, quietly following Toni.

' I know a way into the house from the attic, but you didn't hear that from me. And can you not step on the grass too hard?'

Cheryl rolled her eyes.

' Fine.' She said as she started to take off her high heels. Toni turned back, almost crashing with Cheryl who was close behind her.

' Why are you even wearing high heels to a stake out?' She whispered.

' I can't concentrate in flats.' Cheryl looked up at Toni, as serious as ever, her brown eyes beaming in the moonlight.

' I guess the Devil really does wear Prada.' Toni shook her head and turned to continue walking.

' Also, how were you going to pull this off without me? You don't know shit about this place.'

' Sweetie, please, I'm Cheryl Blossom. I can pull off anything, anywhere, anyhow.'

Toni had her back turned, but she could sense Cheryl smirking cockily from behind. She just rolled her eyes.

' We're here.' Toni stared at the back of the House.

It was awfully quiet. Toni thought.

For a house full of Ghoulies. But then again, they did planned to have a meeting. With a Blossom. Maybe Malachai kicked them all out for the night, that'd explain the quietness.

' What are we staring at?' Cheryl asked Toni.

' These gaps in the wall. If you manage to climb into them, it'll lead you straight into the attic, through a window.'

' I'm not climbing a wall.' Cheryl crossed her arms.

' Cheryl, it's the only fucking way in.' Toni replied, getting a little impatient.

' And if I fall?'

' I thought you wanted to know what was up with your father.'

' No, I mean, if I fall, will you catch me?'

' What?'

' Will you break my fall?'

' I don't know. Maybe.'

' Alright then, hold my heels.'

Cheryl handed her the heels. Toni took it, and mentally thanked that both of them were wearing pants today.

Cheryl started to fill the gaps of the walls with her hands and feet and easily got into the attic through the broken window.

Toni did the same, and in no time, they were on the attic, spying through a wide crack on the floor that the people downstairs couldn't see unless you specifically looked up at it.

Fangs once called it the Convenient Crack. Most Ghoulies doesn't seem to know about it, they were too busy getting high and drunk.

Toni checked on Cheryl to make sure she hasn't done anything stupid, like make an unnecessary sound.

Her instincts were right, Malachai had kicked most of the Ghoulies out, leaving only 3 behind with him.

Soon enough, the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house filled the air and moments later, Mr. Blossom showed up.

He spoke first, standing tall and firm some distance away from Malachai, who was sitting on the sofa-throne.

' I am going to make this very quick. Tell me what you want, and I'll give. As long as you do not stir the mess up again.'

' Please, you already know what I want. Don't act dumb, Mr. Blossom.' Malachai replied in a mocking tone.

' Well then, hand me over the supplies.'

Malachai gestured to his Ghoulies and one of them brought a duffel bag on the table in front of the both of them.

Clifford Blossom opened up the duffel bag and took out a few of it's contents. They looked like pixy stixs, mostly green and red coloured.

' Is that fucking candy?' Cheryl whispered.

' No, it's Jingle Jangle.' Toni whispered back, trying to take a good look of what else was inside the bag.

' What the hell is that?' Cheryl asked again.

' It's a drug the Ghoulies both make and sell. It's pretty infamous on the Southside.'

' This is your second batch. I want the cash by the end of the month.' Malachai said, more like threatened. Mr. Blossom, on the other hand, expressed no emotion whatsoever.

' You keep your end of your bargain, and we'll be in good terms.' Malachai smirked at the reply.

' And I don't want any of those Serpents messing around with any of our deals.' Clifford Blossom continued.

' That's your problem, not mine.'

' You said you could help.'

' I said I could. Not wouldn't. Besides, your son was the one who got involved with them in the first place.'

' Leave my son out of this.'

' Isn't exactly this the reason he's six feet under, with a bullet hole in his head?' Malachai mocked, which pissed the man off.

' I said that's enough!'

He shouted which made Cheryl gasp and she may have done it a little too loud, because it got one of the ghoulies' attention as he tried to locate where the sound was from.

Toni turned quickly to shush her, but it was kind of too late because he was making his way to the specific spot Cheryl and Toni were at. Maybe he was one of the few and rare 'smart' Ghoulies.

They were greeted by a deep set of eyes and in reflex they both got up, making creaking noises from the floorboard.

Toni grabbed Cheryl's hand as she heard the Ghoulie shouted.

' Boss, someone's out there!' It was followed by several footsteps, and the sound of a door closing.

Toni assumed they must have gone outside the house to look for them, and decided to hide in the house instead. It wasn't all smart, but at least it was better than getting caught.

Cheryl thought they were heading for the window so when Toni started running in the other direction, she jerked her hand back, stopping the other girl.

' Are you trying to get us caught, Toni?'

' No, they're definitely going to see us climbing down that wall. I know where we can hide. Trust me.' Toni whisper-shouted.

And so they made their way downstairs, sneak past Mr.Blossom who was pacing back and forth in the living room, and into a tiny supplies closet that Toni knew the Ghoulies didn't care about.

Once they got inside, Toni quietly shut the door, and turned to face Cheryl whom she could no longer see from the pitch black environment.

Toni however could hear her laboured breathing as Cheryl managed to let out a few words.

'Oh..my God, we are so screwed.'

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