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The long awaited annual dance was what everyone was talking about by Monday afternoon.

Dates were being planned, cars were being arranged, and teachers were starting to regret being teachers because they had to chaperone horny drunk kids instead of spending their nights like normal human adults.

Things suddenly got more awkward with Reggie and Toni since they've agreed to go together back before they sort of broke up.

Now both of them were dateless and its kinda hard to find a date when the dance was on Friday Night.

And today was already Tuesday.

Toni got a pass from finishing up the decorations due to her injured hand but she still strayed around Cheryl, occasionally annoying her do work.

' Just because you don't have to work, doesn't mean you have disturb us.' Cheryl said.

' But I like annoying you. It's my new found hobby.'

' You look adorable when you're frustrated.' Toni added, something more of a whisper.

Cheryl whipped her head at the sentence and looked around.

' Toni, people can hear us!'

Toni looked around.

' What people? The closest are like 10 feet away.'

' Still..'

' Relax, no one's bothering us.'

Cheryl was freaking out over nothing. Toni thought but didn't say.

' Now are we going over to Pop's or what?'

Toni smiled when Cheryl did.

' Almost.'

Cheryl dropped the extra decorations into the box and walked towards the bleachers to grab her bag.

They were done for the day.

It took no longer than 20 minutes to get to Pop's.

Toni suggested that they'd take the food away and have it in the car, parking it somewhere isolated.

The evening breeze was blowing, the sun shown just the perfect amount of light and food was amazing.

The radio was playing some nice music as they ate in silence, the paper bag and the soda cups sat in the middle seat, between the two of them.

' I just realised something.' Toni spoke, finishing her burger.

' Hmm?' Cheryl said through her closed mouth.

' This is our actual first date, do you know that?'

' Like an actual date date?' Cheryl swallowed her food, wiping her mouth with a tissue.

' Yes.'

Cheryl smiled.

' I never thought it'll be like this.'

' Me too.' Toni said, throwing away the paper bags into a neat pile on the backseat.

The space between them cleared, and it was as if it was screaming for the distance to close.

Cheryl made the first move and scooted over to Toni.

Toni didn't flinch or anything, she just relaxed into Cheryl's body.

And before Toni could turn, Cheryl gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

Toni blushed, startled.

' What's that for?' She turned to Cheryl.

A gentle smile spread across her face as she replied.

' For being patient with me.'

Toni didn't know how to reply to that, so she did what she did best with Cheryl.

She pulled her into a long sweet kiss.

And they talked for a long time, holding each other, waiting for the sun to set.

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