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Most of the Serpents at the dance were out of the school doors in minutes.

When Toni reached the front, they were met by the crew of slightly older Serpents.

Joaquin got out of his motorcycle and made his way over to them.

' We've got bigger problems.'

' Than FP getting arrested?' Toni said impatiently.

' Sort of. Look, it's about the Whyte Wyrm. It's being searched and anyone who goes up against them, is getting tased and arrested on the spot.'

' What right do they have to search the bar for?' Sweetpea said in anger.

Joaquin looked at the lot of them. Finally he said.

' They're saying he murdered Jason Blossom at the basement.'

There were sounds of protest and swears from the younger serpents, Toni included.

' It doesn't matter. That's not important right now. You need to leave the school. The Northside's mad as hell. Who knows what they'll do to anyone associated with the person they think that killed their beloved golden boy.'

Toni's heart ached. She didn't want to think about Cheryl or what she thinks about this.

There's probably no future for them anymore. Even if Cheryl did tell her she loved her.

She didn't even look back at her when they were still at the supplies closet.

Mostly because she's afraid she'll know the answer to her question.

She got herself wrapped up in thoughts she didn't hear half of what Joaquin said next.

' -call for updates. Lay low. Don't go doing anything stupid. Jughead and Tall Boy's handling FP's situation. They're at the station right now.'

' Where do we go now? We don't have the Wyrm.'

' Go home.'

And Toni did. She didn't feel like stirring up any kinds of troubles for the night.

But smoking wouldn't hurt right?

She smoked a quarter of a pack up before she got to the entrance of the trailer park.

At least an hour must've passed, if not more.

As she was about to knock the door to her trailer, she saw a figure in the shadows from the corner of her eye.

The shadow looked back at her, finally coming into view.

It was the person she had least expected.


The loud bass of the music from the ongoing dance vibrated through the dark empty hallway, the only light source from a bathroom nearby.

Cheryl was feeling so many emotions at the same time she doesn't know what to make sense of her surroundings anymore.

Toni hadn't said anything to her before she went.

That was probably a good thing, she thought.

Cheryl would've said things to her she'll later regret.

If there even is going to be such a moment as 'later'.

If her father had found out about what happened tonight...

She felt angry and mad. She felt sad and tired.

She's been waiting for the day her brother's murderer will be caught and be behind bars.

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