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' I will not tolerate violence in my school, especially not under my watch!' Principal Weatherbee slammed the file he's been reading down on his desk. In it was a note and a report from Coach Clayton, explaining about the fight that occurred earlier.

If this were a cartoon show, he'd be having steam coming off his ears. Toni quietly laughed at the thought of it. No one else seemed to notice it. She was stuck between Jughead and Sweet Pea on her right, Reggie and Archie on her left. All five of them straight infront of Weatherbee's desk.

Cheryl was  there too, but on the side, like where secretaries would sit because the Principal later found out that she was just trying to stop their fight, not get into it. And she was waiting for him to dismiss her from this childish gambit when she heard Toni letting out a quiet laugh. She gave her a confused look.

Weatherbee's patience's thinning by the second and she's laughing like a stupid idiot. Cheryl thought. Truth be told, the fight actually was Cheryl's fault. If she hadn't wrongly accused the serpents, Reggie wouldn't have insulted them and Toni wouldn't have tackled him.

' Mr. Weatherbee, They punched me, they started it first.' Archie said, the first one to, out of the bunch.

' What is this, grade school? Just admit that you got into a fight, like a man, Andrews.' Sweet Pea moved his body forward so he could see Archie who was on the far side of him.

Reggie smirked.

' Please, we backed down because there was a girl on your side.'

' Why don't you tell that to the bruised mark I gave, forming around your eye?' Toni said.

' You punch like a girl.'

' I am a girl. I just wanted to be fair to you, compared to the punches you gave to us.'

' I spared you because you've got that bloody stitch on your forehead.' Reggie and Toni were now turned sideways on their chairs, head to head, faces inches away from each other. There was this weird tension forming between the two of them and everyone felt it too. Like, they're insulting each other but it looked as if they were going to make out any time soon.

Cheryl crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, ready to have a fit if one of them starts to say another poorly thought comeback, because at this point she was sure Weatherbee's not sending her back.

Toni and Reggie were still arguing, the rest of the idiots were mumbling here and there, Cheryl was amazed the Principal hasn't snapped.

' That's enough!' Weatherbee shouted again, making all 5 of them face him and sit up straight.

' You are all here to get punished for fighting, not to continue it.'

' We're getting punished?' Archie dumbly asked, making everyone else roll their eyes, even his own friend, Reggie. Toni was glad stupidity wasn't infectious, or otherwise.

' Normally, I would've suspended all of you, but I am feeling generous today, so I have a different kind of punishment for you.'

' The four of you will be cleaning up the football field and the benches before and after the pep ralley and the homecoming game. Whether your team wins or not.'

That wasn't actually a bad idea, considering it was going to be a good deed done, for the environment and for the school.

Jughead opened his mouth to ask why it was only going to be the four of them when Weatherbee raised his hand to stop him.

' As for Miss Antoinette Topaz,..' he said as he got up and exited the room, leaving everyone with confused looks.

Then Reggie laughed. That ungrateful asshole.

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