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Monday came faster when all Toni did the whole weekend was nap for like twice a day.

The school hallways were deserted when she arrived and that meant that the bell was around to ring and that Toni was going to be late.

She was struggling to find her history book from inside her locker when a voice called out from behind.

Toni knew that voice anywhere.

Cheryl Blossom. Again.

They've been in this particular situation before, the night they first talked.

Things have changed, of course.

' Hey Serpent.'

' Hey Blossom.'

' You were amazing Friday Night, what with the costume and all.'

' Thank you.'

' I also want to thank you for what you did that Friday night.'

' I did what anyone would've.'

' Still, I believe I owe you something.'

' Truly, that's not why I did what I did.'

' Heard you're going out with Reggie.'

' Went. Past tense. I don't suppose I need your permission?' Toni said sarcastically.

' You should be more careful, they're not what they seem. Trust me.'

' Thank you, Cheryl, but I'll be fine. Don't worry about it.'

Toni slammed the locker door, a little harder because it caught Cheryl's attention.

' Is something wrong?'

' What?' Toni said. What was this girl on?

' I feel like you're trying to ignore me.'

' I'm just late to my class and no, why would you think that?'

' Well, you're barely listening to what I'm saying when I'm just trying to help you.'

' Cheryl.' Toni sighed, as she got closer to her.

' I know that you think I came after you that night because I was concerned, and you're right to think that. But it still doesn't change the fact that you and your family have a hatred for us and has been making our lives a living hell the past few months.'

' That's not fair.'

' You really want to know what's not fair?'

Cheryl shook her head.

' Good. And if it makes you feel any better, I'm only going out with Reggie because unlike you, he has not insulted us once since our fight and was being a complete gentleman all of Friday Night.'

' You should at least give me a chance.'

' I did give you chance. Like many times. But all you do is give me mixed feelings, sometimes I wonder if you have multiple personalities disorder, which is not fair to the people that actually do because, because I feel like I'm making fun of them. You can't just act like you like us one second and then go on accusing us of petty things the next. Make up your mind.' Toni said, anger in her voice but remained calmed the whole time.

Cheryl just stood there the whole time.

' One, you're right. I do hate the Serpents. With all my life. But two, I really like you, out of all people. And three, maybe that's why I'm confused at times and four, I'm not even sure why I'm going to do this now.'

Cheryl got closer before Toni could ask.

Toni didn't have time to respond as Cheryl grabbed Toni's face and pulled in for a kiss.

Toni, in her surprise, dropped her books, stepped back, only to be slammed by the locker door.

Toni felt like it was forever when the bell rang and Cheryl hastily pulled back and rushed off to her class, leaving a lipstick stained Toni alone out in the hallway.

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