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Friday Evening [ Riverdale High's Annual Dance ]

Loud Music. Drunk Teens. Tired Teachers. 

All that happening in a gym that smells like different unpleasant things combined.

Toni could think of ten more exciting things she could be doing on a Friday Night. 

Mostly because Toni was not able to spend time with Cheryl without it looking suspicious.

Cheryl had this gorgeous red dress on, and was looking fine as usual, dancing around with several boys.

At least one of them's having fun. 

So she sat down at one of the chairs surrounding the table, a few distance from the dance floor. 

Archie Andrews was having a hard time deciding who to grind with but ended up with himself dancing awkwardly.

Betty Cooper dragged Jughead from his seat across Toni and made their way to the dance floor.

Maybe she was sulking about the fact that she couldn't be with Cheryl but what everyone seemed to be doing has irritated her on a certain level.

She played with the strings on her bracelet, sighing every once in a while.

' Not a fan of dancing?' A voice from behind made her turn lazily.

It was Reggie. 

She just groaned. Even though they supposedly broke up last week, things seemed to have settled down between the two of them.

Toni no longer felt guilty about what happened to them nor did Reggie hold a grudge it.

He was a gentleman. That made her feel worse.

He took Jughead's seat and drank whatever was in front of it.

' Do you really want to drink that?' Toni said, through a disgusted expression.

' I'd kill to get roofied right now. Anything to end the night.' He replied.

Toni laughed. So he does have a sense of humour.

' So uh, why aren't you with Cheryl?'

' She's not ready to, you know, make it public and shit like that.' She said as she drank her own drink.

Reggie groaned this time.

' Seriously, Toni, everyone knows!' 

Toni choked back the drink.

' What?' 

' What what?'

' Everyone knows what?' 

Reggie sighed, looking at her like she was stupid.

' That you guys have a thing for each other.' 

' How?' 

' People are not blind or deaf. We know things. At first when Cheryl stopped bullying the Serpents after her detention, we kinda got suspicious. Then she started bullying you guys again, but it was weird. Like she's trying too hard.' 

Toni stared at him blankly. Does Cheryl know that they know?

Reggie continued.

' One thing led to another and we just sorta made the connection. Mostly it was Gina Lopez but I guess everyone caught on.' 

' And they didn't say anything because?'

Reggie didn't answer immediately, as if deciding if he should keep his mouth shut.

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