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' Do you think people will notice it?' Toni asked Sweet Pea.

' Notice what?'

' The stitch.' Toni gestured to the cut on the side of her forehead as Sweet Pea was patching it up with a butterfly bandage.
Toni had taken down most of the ghoulies that came to her but one did manage to knock her down with the help of a small knife.
She was lucky it didn't make her go unconscious. That would've been another problem.

' Since when did you care about people noticing your scars? Last time we had a fight like this, you walked around the school with a black eye for one week and didn't give two shits about it.' He spoke as he finished the dressing.

' Well, I don't know. I just don't want too much attention.' Toni shrugged.

' Oh, right.' Sweet Pea replied sarcastically. Then continued.

' Okay, all done. Take some more pills for the pain in the morning and DON'T go to school by yourself tomorrow. I'll take you myself. If something happens to you and FP figures out about this, I probably won't see the light of the next day.' He tugged her into the bed sheets.

Toni breathed out a laugh.

' It's a good thing we won then.'

' Yeah, but I don't get one thing. Why the sudden challenge? We weren't in any kind of beef with them at the moment.' Sweet Pea sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her, her small face glowing faintly from the light of the windows.

' It's cause they're stupid.' She said.

' That's your conclusion?' He chuckled.

' Stupid people do stupid things.'

' Hmm, noted. We'll talk later. You need to sleep now.'

Toni nodded and rolled over to the other side, drifting into a deep sleep. And Sweet Pea left only after he was sure Toni was safe.

Next day at school, some students of their year were gathered in the gym hall, not knowing why they got called out by the Principal for.

There were like 15 or 20 north siders but only several of the south siders. Some jocks were fooling around, the Vixens were doing their own stuff, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead were talking about something Toni could hear but didn't bother participating in the conversation.

The side of her head felt like it's been hammered with a thousand nails and the constant whispers and the talking of the people around her wasn't helping her situation.

Luckily, Principal Weatherbee opened the gym doors, and everyone got silent.

' I'm sure you all are wondering why I've called you here.' He stated the obvious. Some students nodded.

' I don't know if you have all realised this, but each and everyone of you in this gym has been miserably failing their classes.'

So that's what this was about. It was starting to make sense. That explains the different kind of cliques present.

' And unless you all start to earn some extra credit, you're going to have to repeat the year and I don't want repeaters in my school.' He cleared his throat and went on.

Long story short, if the students manage to pass the rest of the exams AND help organise Riverdale's High Annual School Dance, which is in like four or five weeks, he'll give them a chance to pass the year.

Which was very kind of him, but it meant one thing. It's going to be breakfast club all over again.

The jocks, cheerleaders and the serpents spending time together for a month. Toni wondered what hell it was going to raise. And it wasn't just the few of them with cocky and bitchy personalities.

There was Reggie Mantle, Moose Mason and Chuck Clayton, not to mention Archie Andrews. The Serpents were there, two of the Pussycats, the school's rock band, were also present. Several other vixens, like Veronica Lodge, and of course, Cheryl Blossom.

Yup, breakfast club. Except it's not going to bring them closer together like the movie did.

Toni was lost in thoughts when Weatherbee cleared his throat, again.

' All right, you will work with partners, and I will assign them for you. This is not BFF convention. This is your chance to make things right.'

When Toni heard her name, she was hoping that she got paired up with anyone but just one person. But life decided to fuck her anyways. She was paired with that exact person.

' Antoinette Topaz, you're paired with Cheryl Blossom.'

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