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After Cheryl supposedly calmed down, they were joined by Betty and Veronica, who finally figured out who the mascot was.

She left Cheryl with them because, well, it kinda felt weird for her to be sticking around.

She put on the head back and went back to the Pep Rally.

Everything was chill by now, so Toni casually strode, getting high fived by random students.

She then heard heavy footsteps from behind and turned around to see whoever it was, only to get physically slammed by that person.

She groaned as her head hit the ground hard.

She saw Reggie hover over her through the sieve.

' I'm so sorry Topaz, I didn't mean to do that,' He said.

' Way to treat your mascot, asshole.' She said as he helped her up.

' Sorry.' His voice genuine.

' Okay, so what's up?' Toni said.

' Well, do you think we could go somewhere private?' He brushed the back of his head.

' This is private enough.'

' I can't see your face.'

' Why do you need to see my face to say something?'

' Because I'm trying to ask you out, Toni, goddamnit.'

Toni was glad the head was still on because she may have blushed.

She looked around, students were scattered, Cheryl was back out on the field, the suspense was pretty much gone by now, so she took the dog's head off.

She raised her eyebrows at Reggie.

' Right, so um, you were great tonight, the crowd loved you, Coach was actually impressed and the team thought you did amazing too and I was wondering if you would like to have a milkshake at Pops?' Reggie versed.

' With the team?' Was all Toni could say.

Reggie chuckled shyly.

' No, no with me,'

They both laughed at the stupidity of the conversation.

Reggie Mantle was an sexist piece of shit, well still is, and Toni should be smart to not accept his offer.

Yet, she found herself giving that boy a chance.

' Fine, Reggie, I'll have a milkshake with you.'

Reggie looked so happy, Toni thought she was dreaming.

The Reggie Mantle she saw before her was not the Reggie Mantle she knew.

' Let me just change into my normal clothes first.'

He nodded and she went off to the lockers.

' What's it like being in a gang?' Reggie asked after taking a long sip of his chocolate milkshake.

Toni smiled, because normally she would've decked him for asking questions like that but this time she didn't want to.

' Well, you get these really cute pocket knives, and these savage jackets.'

Reggie laughed,

' But of course, being a Serpent is so much more than that.'

' I get that, Toni. I mean, I don't actually get it, but I get that.'

This boy was making less sense by the minute and if Toni knew better, Reggie's probably being nervous.

' What's it like being the captain of the football team, loved by everyone and anyone?'

' Well, for starters, you sometimes get to ditch school for practice.' Then he leaned it, being nervous than before.

' But that also means people are expecting so much more from you, and it's hard to be the best when you're just one of them.'

' I guess it's a price you have to pay.'

' Yeah, I guess.' Reggie slumped back in his booth.

Behind him, several booths over, Cheryl and the other River Vixens were casually chatting, laughing and giggling.

Cheryl's eyes found their way over to them, and when she saw Toni staring back at her, shifted her gaze towards her friends.

She talked with Reggie for some more time, before they left the shop to end the date.

Toni got on her bike and started the engine when Reggie walked over.

' I'd say I'll take you home but I guess you can handle that yourself.'

' Listen, Toni, I've toned down the smart cocky comments like you said, and if by any chance you had fun tonight, would you like to go out on a second date with me?'

' Hmm..' Toni couldn't believe he actually remembered her exact words.

' You just think about it. I'll see you at school.' He said as he stepped back to make way for Toni to drive away.

Toni wasn't sure if it was all an illusion or Reggie Mantle was being a gentleman the whole night.

She liked him better like this.

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