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When Cheryl reached the scene, firemen, cops and paramedics were everywhere.

She tried to find the only person that mattered to her. 


That was pretty selfish of her, but it was true.

She looked around frantically, between serpents and ghoulies, who were now being shooed away by the police.

Cheryl ducked under a police tape lining the two cars, one of them Toni's, rammed into a tree.

The other was no longer in the form a car, its bits and pieces lying everywhere around the place.

She ignored the police officer telling her to stop as she searched for anything that looked like Toni.

Instead she found Jughead.

He would know something, right?

He seemed fine, since he was being interviewed by a police officer.

She went over to him, and once again ignoring another police officer, asked where Toni was.

' She's on the other ambulance, she's -' 

Cheryl didn't wait for Jughead to finish as she rushed over to where the ambulances were parked a few distance from the explosion.

Only when she saw Toni, sitting on the back of the ambulance, being treated by a paramedic, could Cheryl let out the breath she was holding.

She was with Sweetpea and Fangs, who were now being escorted away by the police to give them some statements. 

Her whole body was covered in dirt and smoke, and her hand.

Oh god, her hand.

There was a piece of glass protruding out of it, the same glass the paramedic was having trouble taking it out without Toni wincing or grunting painfully.

' Toni!' She called out and kind of ran towards her.

' Cheryl!' Toni tried to stand but the other paramedic held her shoulders to make her sit back down.

' Are you okay?' Cheryl said, to both Toni and the paramedic.

' Well..' The paramedic treating her start to speak but was interrupted by someone else's cry for Toni.

They turned to the source of the sound to find Reggie, also kind of running towards them.

The paramedic shrugged and get on with his work, which doesn't seem to be succeeding.

' Are you hurt?' He asked.

Toni was about to reply when Cheryl rolled her eyes in annoyance.

' Of course she is, can't you see her hand?' She said impatiently.

' Can't a guy ask?' Reggie replied, also annoyed.

' As i was saying,' The paramedic spoke to shut the both of them up.

' She has a laceration on her palm and if I don't take the glass out, she'll will lose more blood than she already is, so please, do your friend here a favour and let me do my work.' 

The two of them said nothing as they backed away, even though it was obvious they didn't want to.

Then the paramedic turned to Toni, who was now noticeably pale.

' Is the local anaesthesia you gave not working?' The other paramedic said to him.

' No, it's not enough. I don't want to use more.'

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