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When Toni woke up, she couldn't remember anything.

Which freaked her out, because she was in a jail cell.

Every part of her body hurt, like it was recovering from a cramp, but like everywhere.

' Morning, sunshine.' A sarcastic voice filled her ears.

She looked around, and saw Jughead on the other corner of the jail cell.

He was slouched back, sitting, knees up, hands around them.

Her head ached, like a hangover.

But she hadn't drink last night. At least not too much.

' What the hell happened?' She asked groggily.

' the short version? we got arrested.'

' Very funny.' she said as she stood up, then immediately sat back down. her legs disobeying her.

' Please start talking.'

Jughead sighed, and got closer to her.

' What's the last thing you remember?'

Toni thought for a second.

She remembered how close she and Reggie felt, painfully making out in that car of his.

Then she remembered Cheryl looking over them a few cars over, Veronica by her side, as Kevin went out to get some more popcorn.

She remembered Fangs trying to tackle Sweet Pea a few cars behind them.

And then the sirens.

Police sirens, as Sheriff Keller came out of his car, pointing over to them, the underage drinkers, but mostly the Serpents.

The lucky few managed to get away, while the rest of them had no idea what the hell and why the hell they were being arrested for.

Toni remember getting out of Reggie's car, joining into the running crowd as a police officer came over to her.

Now she understood why her body ached.

' Did I get tasered?' Toni spoke out loud.

' Imm hmm.' Jughead nodded his head.

' I remember everything until then.' Toni said.

' Well, Toni, the police got tipped that there was this massive drug dealing and alcohol drinking going on at the Drive-In so they decided to take us down. It's stupid how they believe every little tip they receive.'

' Are they?'

' Yes. Before you woke up, this whole room was crowded with serpents and a few of those north siders.'

Jughead took his beanie off, ran his fingers through his greasy hair, then put the beanie back on.

He continued.

' Only when they couldn't find any kinds of drugs on them, they let them go.'

' But how come you and I...'

' You resisted arrest and tried to punch the police officer.'

Toni squinted her eyes.

' I don't remember that.'

Jughead had to laugh at that.

' Of course you don't, you got tasered.'

' And you?'

' Oh, I just felt bad that you were here alone, so I told them I'll leave when you come back to your senses.'

Toni couldn't help but smile.

' You're a big softie, you know that?'

He let out a small laugh.

' Thank you, though.'

' I'm not the one you should thank.'

' What?'

' You've got admirers. Emphasis on the plural.'

' Again, what?'

' Certain people were sort of arguing over who should bail you out.'

' You're not making any sense, beanie head.'

' From what I've heard last night, Reggie Mantle dragged his dad over to pay your bail, when Cheryl Blossom, god dammit Toni, Cheryl freakin' Blossom barged into the police station, to bail you out.'

Jughead usually didn't swear.

But when he did, it was because he really was amazed.

' Seriously?' was all Toni could say.

' I bet you the both of them are here at the station, like right now.'

' Shit, what time is it?'

Toni frantically looked around, as if a magic watch was going to appear out of nowhere.

' Friday afternoon?'

Just as he finished, the door to the room flew open as an officer unlocked the door for them.

They quickly grabbed whatever they had in their pockets last night, and went out of the station.

FP was there for Jughead, waiting in his motorcycle.

And sure enough, there they were, the two of them, just like Jughead had said.

Reggie Mantle and Cheryl Blossom.

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