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This is actually the third to last update and the first part of the Finale.

It happened faster than I had expected, tried my best to make it a worthy finale nonetheless.

I suppose the next and final update would consist of the second part of the Finale and an Epilogue if I feel like the story would need one.

Toni hasn't had any sleep since last night, and the annual dance that was mere hours ago felt like an eternity and all she wanted to do right now was head straight into bed.

Instead, she's sitting in the back of a car, between Jughead and a once again unconscious Malachai.

How could she possibly break the news to Cheryl that her father had killed her brother? Thinking about it, let alone saying it out loud, sounded absurd.

Everyone else also stayed quiet.

Toni thought about waiting for a few hours until morning came when she would go by Cheryl's house again to tell her.

'I have to tell Cheryl.' She said it out loud, particularly to no one.

'We don't have proof.' Jughead took off his beanie and ran his hands through his hair.

'She'll think you're crazy.' Sweetpea said from the front.

It was true. Toni didn't want to believe it at first too but it made much sense not to.

Clifford Blossom himself was the missing piece of the puzzle.

Jason Blossom really was killed in the basement of the Whyte Wyrm, as the cops had said.

Why else would he accept to sell drugs for the ghoulies?

She just doesn't know how the ghoulies came to know it.

If anyone could answer the rest of her questions, it'll be FP.

'When can we see your Dad again?' She asked.

'Tomorrow. We should probably go there.' He said.

Just then, his pocket vibrated.

Toni glimpsed the contact name before he answered it.

'Betty?' He said.

She heard some muffled voice reply.

'What do you mean?'

Some more muffled reply.

'Okay. I'll...I'll warn them. Thank you.'

He hung up.

'It was Betty. She got a call from Kevin Keller. She said his father's going to make a bust on both Southside gangs on drug charges and as accomplices to Jason Blossom's murder. Said they've got proof and everything.'

' What they've got is the wrong guy.' Sweetpea said.

Jughead was thinking hard and he seemed to have thought of a plan as he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, his phone vibrated again.

It was a text alert from Fangs, that read,

-at school. cops are everywhere else man. come quick.-

So he did get away from those ghoulies. That was the good part.

The bad part was that cops are looking for them and they still have the ghoulies' leader with them.

Suddenly remembering him, Toni turned to check on him.

Yep, he's breathing.

Now awake, but still alive.

Sweetpea turned the keys into the ignition.

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