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When Toni reached the Whyte Wyrm, the bar where all Serpents hung out, the sun had already set and the street lamps were starting to turn on. That was normal. What wasn't normal was the great number of Serpents hanging out in front of the bar. Some were pacing back and forth, some were talking in groups, whatever, something was up. She spotted Sweet Pea, standing tall and firm from the dense crowd. She walked over to him.
' What's going on? Why are you still here?' She asked, remembering that he had plans with FP and Jughead to meet Mr.Blossom.
' We're going on a turf war, again.'
' With who?' Toni asked the obvious.
' Who else? Those Ghoulies suddenly gained enough confidence to claim our place and now wants the Whyte Wyrm. Like hells that's going to happen.' He said as he put several brass knuckles into a duffle bag. In it were street weapons such as lug wrenches, steel baseball bats, chains and even a 2x4. Toni then realised there were going to be weapons involved. That never ends well. But it seems they have no choice. Whyte Wyrm was the only safe place for them and they've got to fight for it.
' Are you coming or not, Toni?' Sweet Pea's question brought Toni back to reality. Toni dropped her school bag and grabbed a nearby brass knuckle. She then smirked.
' What kind of a question is that, Sweets? Count me the fuck in.'
' Good. Jughead and FP will be fine with themselves.'
That made Toni frown.
' Wait, does FP know about this? Does Jughead?'
' No. Not yet, but after we win, they will.'
Then we'd better win. Otherwise FP wouldn't really let it go. He doesn't really like turf wars but when we win, he just leaves it be after one or two scolds. So there they were, weapons in hands, waiting for the Ghoulies arrival, ready to kick ass.
After a certain amount of time, they finally arrived. First came Malachai, their gang leader, with his stupid curly hair. He never really wears his jacket like a normal person. He always had to leave it open for the whole world to see his bare chest. He had his signature spiked baseball bat in his hands too. Sweet Pea once had been on the receiving end of that bat and it was not a pleasant experience. Nonetheless, they all started to appear from the dark, slowly and dramatically. There was no verbal communication between the two sides as they already knew what the winning reward was. After a moment, Sweet Pea launched forward and that was the trigger. Serpents charged over to the Ghoulies' side, and vice versa. The flings and the swings of the weapons filled the atmosphere in addition to the grunting sounds of everyone who's fighting. Toni stretched her head side to side as she took a deep breath. Once she was ready, she charged towards a nearby Ghoulie and aimed for his face. What a pretty face, she thought. She couldn't wait to destroy it.

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