[Halloween Special]

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this has absolutely nothing to do with the story, it's just an one shot i may have drunkenly wrote. 

Babysitting the Serpent.
Riverdale General Hospital, 10:35p.m

Cheryl's eyes searched for Toni as the nurse slid the curtains that separated the beds in the emergency ward of the hospital.

Toni was sitting sideways on the hospital bed, being treated by another nurse.

' Oh god, you look like shit.' Cheryl blurted out.

' Geez, Cheryl, that makes me feel real good.' Toni said, sarcastically.

' What happened?' Cheryl asked the nurse. She already knew what had happened, she just wanted to hear it officially.

' Your friend here, got into a motorcycle accident.' The nurse replied.

' I was turning a corner and a car rammed into me, it was stupid.' Toni interrupted, but quickly hissed as the alcohol touched her head wound that was just stitched.

' It's nothing serious, really.' Toni continued.

Cheryl, as if hearing absolutely nothing from Toni asked the nurse again.

' How is she? '

' Do you not hear a single word of what I'm saying?' Toni said.

' The doctors will tell you in details but from what I can tell, she's got a head wound, a broken arm and a couple of road rashes that we've patched up. She's lucky she didn't get a concussion.' The nurse told her before heading out, leaving the both of them alone.

' See, I told you, I'm fine.' Toni spoke again. This time, Cheryl turned to face her. Then she crossed her arms.

' Really, you're on a hospital bed, with a cast and a sling for an arm and cuts all over your body, not to mention that gash on the side of your head.' Cheryl sounded irritated. Because she was. When FP called her from the hospital, she had driven the whole way there worrying about Toni and Toni doesn't even take it seriously. Of course she was pissed.

' Yes,..but I'm fine, Cheryl. The gash is stitched and the sling can be removed in like 10 days. I've had worse, trust me.'

It was then that Cheryl realised Toni has been talking really slow and heavy. As if she was high.

' Did the doctors give you any medication?'

' Yeah, they gave me something for the pain. I actually feel like I'm on cloud nine.' Toni grinned, like an idiot.

Cheryl couldn't help but smile back, her girlfriend was actually high, like Jingle Jangle high, minus the energy. It wasn't obvious when she first arrived but Cheryl assumed the medicine had only started to take effect.

' Well, the front desk gave me your discharge papers, FP signed them, he was going to take you home but I told him I would.'

Toni looked at her, confused.

' You don't even know how to drive a motorcycle.' She complained.

' I have a car.' Cheryl sat down beside her and hugged her side, while being careful not to hurt her.

' Is it pink?' Toni turned her head to look at Cheryl.

' Uh,...no?'

' I love pink.'

' I know you do.'


After helping Toni get into the passenger seat of the car, Cheryl got into the car herself and let the convertible up. She didn't want Toni to catch a cold or anything. Toni was staring at her the whole time, even after they got onto the highway.

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