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A few moments passed and Toni was starting to regret entering the closet room to hide.

But she knew they had no other choice, it'll take some time for the both of them to climb down the wall and that would attract the Ghoulies, and hiding on the attic was really not an option.

Toni wasn't that smart, but she wasn't that stupid.

' So, what's your next plan?' Cheryl asked her. Toni's eyes had finally adjusted to the dark and she could 'see' Cheryl right in front of her.

She could feel her warm breath on her and the room was tight, their bodies were so close so each other that a small slight movement would make them touch.

And that made Toni feel some on sort of 'turn on', although it was not the time to think anything of that.

They're literally trapped inside the house of the dead.

' Hold on, I need to process this.' Toni whispered.

' Well, can you process it a little faster because we're stuck in a tiny room tying to hide from the Ghoulies that's trying to find us and beat us to death. I don't know what they'll actually, but that's what i'm assuming.'

' I'd say close enough. And yes Cheryl, I'm aware of the situation. Maybe next time you could gasp a little quieter so as to not cause this?'

' So it's all my fault?'

' Are you saying it's not?"

' You ARE a part of this.'

Toni let out a breath before replying.

' You know what, it's hard to argue wiht you without looking at your face an now really isn't the time for us to be fighting so let's just focus on getting out of here.'

A couple of seconds passed before Cheryl agreed.

' What do you got?'

' I'm thinking we wait, until they think we've gone away, and when your dad leaves, and they get high from the jingle jangle, which i'm fully positive, we sneak back into the attic, and when we have the chance, we go down the same we we got here.'

' How are you so sure we'll not get spotted while making it upstairs.'

' I'm not, I just hope we don't.'

This time, Cheryl sighed.

' It's stupid and risky, but coming from you, I guess it's plausible.' She said.

' It has to be. Unless you want to stay in here with me forever.'

' I'm flattered. But I'll pass.'

' You're pretty calm for someone who's never hidden from a gang of criminals wanting to beat the hell out of you.'

' I told you, I'm Cheryl Blossom, I can pull of anything.'

Toni let out a small laugh, despite the situation.

' Especially the bitchy part.'

Toni was expecting some sort of comeback, but was returned with a smile from Cheryl.

' Yeah, you could say that.'

After a while, Toni's legs were started to feel stiff, so she started to move them around, and it seemed Cheryl did the same because by the time they realised what they were doing, their bodies were actually touching, and Toni thought she felt something near her neck.

Something warm and moist.

Cheryl's breath.

She narrowed her eyes in the dark.

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