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The long awaited Epilogue.

No editing, no proofreading, we die like men today.


Toni opened her eyes, blinking away, trying to adjust to the brightness of light that was to come. Instead, she found herself in a cold dark room, but somehow she was oddly comfortable under the soft sheets.

A small sound beeped from a machine beside her as she looked around. Memories of the night flushed back into her head, and the more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. 

She was too occupied in her own emotions that she did not notice the hand that was holding her own. Her movements stirred the person awake.

'Toni..' The person whispered. She'd recognize that voice anywhere.

And that sweet scent of hers, Cheryl Blossom, her girlfriend.

Toni blinked again, thinking she had actually gone blind, only to realise the lights were dimmed down.

'You're okay, I..I turned the lights off for you.'

Toni nodded, or at least tried to, and then turned her head to face Cheryl, her silhouette looming over like a shadow.

Having Cheryl beside her calmed her down, but it still felt like her heart was beating hard against her chest.

'Stay with me, please.' She managed to speak, gripping Cheryl's hand tighter around her

'I'm not going anywhere, Toni.' Cheryl replied, stroking her hair with her other hand.

That was the last thing she heard before she drifted off to sleep again.


When Toni woke up the next time, the light were still turned off, but the morning sun had drifted through the curtains, embracing the room with warmth.

Or was it already afternoon?

Toni felt more refreshed and calm than the last time, as she looked around. Cheryl was asleep beside her, head down, but she had never let go of their entwined hands.

Toni couldn't help but smile, and she spent a long time staring at Cheryl.

So much had happened, she was sure of it, but she found it hard to care about it, despite remembering everything.

She doesn't want to think about it, at least not now.

The questions and answers can come later. Cheryl was safe, and she felt fine.

A knock on the door, and a nurse came in, smiling as he saw Toni awake.

'How are you feeling?' He spoke, as he checked her vitals.

'Tired, and heavy.'

'It's the medicine. The doctors will check on you, and if they feel you've improved, I'm sure they'll stop the medications.'

His voice was smooth, and calming.

'When can I go home?'

'Depends. Tonight, or tomorrow.' He gave a smile, shrugging as he wrote down her data on the chart.

'You've got a few friends that wants to meet you. I can send them over if you want to.'

She nodded, and at the same time, Cheryl stirred from her nap, looking around.

Their eyes met, and stayed there, no one saying a word, but there was so many to be said, Toni didn't know where to start.

She wanted to ask, about Cheryl's father but how was she supposed to ask?

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