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If Toni and Cheryl were caught with the mischiefs they were doing for the night, they could probably end up with detention for the rest of month. They're good so far. Cheryl have made Toni break into the teacher's lounge, for fun, they have both sat and twirled around on the Principal's chair, had drawn silly faces on the 'Vote For Class President' posters, taken a smoke break on the roof top, well Toni had, Cheryl just snatched the cigarette from Toni's mouth and had thrown it on the ground and told her that she didn't want to die from passive smoking. The list goes on and on. And now, Cheryl was daring Toni to strip all of her clothes and skinny dip in the school's indoor pool.
' Okay, I don't want to do that.'
' You've said that for the last dares and you did them still.'
' This time I won't. And why would I strip in front of you?'
' You're not going to. I'll turn around. When you're in the pool, you close your eyes, and I'll do the same thing.'
Toni was surprised by all the things that Cheryl had made her do. Not because she thought they were troublesome, but because it was from Cheryl, a girl who wouldn't think of doing such crazy things.
' Is this the last dare?'
' Yes. It is. Or are you chickening out?'
' No. I'll do it. This time not because you told me to. But because I want to.'
' Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart.'
Toni rolled her eyes and gestured Cheryl to turn around as she started to take off her clothes. She had left her bra and undies on, not comfortable enough to be fully naked in front of a girl she just started to know today.
' You know, a cannonball would be much appreciated.' Cheryl said playfully.
Toni smiled and started running towards the edge of the pool before jumping off with her knees in her hands, getting ready for the impact from the water.
A loud splash echoed through the walls of the school gym and that was when Cheryl turned around and started slow clapping.
' I gotta hand it to you, you really ARE the reputed Bad Girl of the Serpents. I have underestimated you.'
' Yes, yes you have.'
' You still haven't told me your name.'
' You still haven't jumped into the pool.'
' Tell me first.' Toni thought for a while but told her anyways.
' Toni. Topaz.'
' Oh, like the gemstone.' Her voice a little high pitched than normal, as if impressed.
' I guess.'
At that moment, Cheryl's eyes sparkled from the reflection of the water and that made all the good feelings in Toni tingle up inside.
' Close your eyes, then.'
Toni did as told. There was only the sound of the water ripples before a similar splash from before filled the air again. Toni opened her eyes.
' FYI, I still have my two piece on. That's enough nudity for the night.' Cheryl said as she slowly swam towards Toni, who was in the middle of the pool.
They were so close to each other they could feel the other's warm breath on their face.
It got awkward for a moment before Toni broke the silent.
' Why didn't you want to go home?'
' What?'
' You said you didn't want to go home.'
' You said it wasn't your problem.'
Toni let out a small laugh.
' Now that you dragged me here. It is.'
Cheryl looked deep into Toni eyes, then looked away. Toni could see she didn't want to talk about it, and she felt bad that she had asked her.
' You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.'
' It's not that.' She wanted to say something but shook it off.
' Mr and Mrs Blossom aren't exactly the parent type, Toni.' Cheryl said.
' They wouldn't care less even if I don't come home tonight.' She continued.
Toni didn't say anything.
' Jason was their favourite. I'm just the other one.' Her voice, almost breaking.
Toni still hasn't said a word. She has no idea what kind of parents they were, she just know the Blossoms family as the rich uptown people who are the wealthiest businessmen in Riverdale, supplying maple syrup across towns since the dawn of time.
' I'm sorry, Cheryl. I didn't know.'
' Of course you don't. Don't be sorry.'
Toni smiled back weakly.
' Well then, you've got your answer, let's get out of here.'
Toni got up first, then helped Cheryl to the floor.
Once they've dried up, they decided to head home, the one thing they were supposed to do hours ago.
As they reached the back gates of the school, Cheryl spoke.
' One more thing, just because I've spent an evening with you and did things we cannot tell anyone but ourselves, or because I've told you a few of my life problems, it doesn't mean that we're friends or anything. Tomorrow we go back to hating each other's cliques.'
' But you'll leave us alone.'
' I'll keep my word. But for the record, we still don't like Serpents.'
' Meh, that's good enough.' Toni shrugged.
They both exchanged smiles as Toni left for her motorcycle and made her way onto the highway, back to the Whyte Wyrm, just like she promised Sweet Pea.

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