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FP was not pleased that Toni had tried to punch a police officer.

He was scolding her in front of almost everyone.

' Do you know what's gonna happen if you actually did? You could be in serious trouble, Toni.'

He was trying his best but everyone could sense the anger in his voice oozing out.

' I'm sorry. It won't happen again.' Toni apologised.

' Good. That goes for all of you.' He raised his voice for the whole of the Whyte Wyrm to hear.

Fangs, Sweetpea and a few others pretended not to hear and continued with their pool game.

' Hear, hear.' someone had said drunkenly.

When the music resumed and everything went back to normal, FP gently grabbed Toni to her bar counter and made her sit.

He sat opposite to her with his elbows down on the counter, sighed, and then ran his fingers through his hair.

So that's where Jughead gets that thing from.

' When I promised your father I'll take good care of you,...'

Toni didn't let him finish as she rolled her eyes.

' Please don't bring him into this. I hate that you're always playing that card.'

' I have to. It's the only card I have of actually making you listen to me.'

Toni sighed.

' To be honest, I don't even know why or what I did that night. Everything's a blur.'

' Still not a reason for you to act like that.'

There was no reply from Toni.

' Now that I have your attention, I have to ask.'

That made Toni's heart jump. Nothing following that from a parent figure never sounds good.

' Ask what?'

' What is with you and that Mantle kid?'

Thank god. For a second, she thought he was going to ask her about her other 'activities'

'Nothing serious. We just hit it off at the Pep Rally and I don't know, he seemed nice.'

' He's a guy. How nice can he be?'

' And so are you.' Toni squinted her eyes.

FP laughed at that.

' Touché.'

He ordered a drink from the bartender and downed it in one shot.

He sat up and patted her head and left to join the pool game.

' Stay out of trouble, kid.'

Toni looked around.

At Jughead, not giving attention to his own father, typing away in his sad machine.

At the others, chitchatting and drinking.

The younger serpents asking the older ones about nothing and everything.

It was times like this when she wished her father was here.

It wasn't like he was dead, but still, she longed for that relationship she knows she's never going to get.

She shouldn't think too much about it.

Neither about her father or her mother.

If she starts tumbling down that hole, she'll have a hard time climbing back up.

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