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Cheryl Blossom was truly fucked.
And not the good kind, even.
You'll know if you were here last time.
Cheryl Blossom, The Riverdale Queen, had kissed Toni Topaz, a Tiny Southside Serpent.
And then what? Cheryl had thought.
She didn't know how she was going to face her when they cross paths again.
What if Toni told the Serpents, or worse, the whole school?
What was going to happen?
In her defense, Cheryl was caught in the moment.
Toni looked so kissable when she was mad and frustrated.
Her lips, those lips, god, they were worth losing all her reputation for.
She didn't even know how Toni had felt about that.
She wished Toni felt the same way.
That was impossible.
Well, not really.
Toni was there that night at the locker rooms.
Cheryl knew that Toni cared, even if Toni herself didn't know.
Now there's these thoughts in her head and these butterflies in her stomach.
Her heart skips several beats every time she thinks about the kiss.
She had kissed people before, hadn't she?
Archie, Chuck, Reggie.
Ugh, Reggie.
She's now kinda jealous of him too.
Out of all the people Toni could go out with, it had to be him.
She's getting caught on all her thoughts she didn't notice the time flying by.
There's always this one thing that she does whenever she feels whatever she's feeling.
Archery. The Rich Girl's sport, some like to say.
Shooting at a target was her equivalent of removing these feelings in her, like how an arrow destroyed the target, ripping through it.
Not damaging it entirely, just enough.
But today was different. She didn't want these feelings to go away.
Not one bit at all.
To be fair, she's been nervous whenever she's near Toni, especially when they're alone.
Especially that night at the Ghoulies house, how Toni had cared for her safety the whole time they were there.
And in that stuffed room, where their bodies were touching, where Cheryl could smell that sweet scent of Toni's hair. Thinking back about it, she now wished to run her fingers through those beautiful pink locks.
Everything was starting to make sense. The kiss was just the trigger.
She realised it all started that night at the pool, the very first day they talked.
When the water reflected Toni's beautiful face, and how she listened to Cheryl rant about her family issues. Not talking back, just listening.
And when Cheryl saw Toni with that cut on her forehead when they got paired for extra credit, part of her wanted to kiss it to make her feel better, which really isn't a hygienic thing to do, and also, like, weird.
She felt ashamed for being a bitch when all Toni was trying to do was be a nice friend, despite Cheryl's hate for the South Side.
That was the problem, she didn't want them to be friends. She wanted them to be more.
All this time, her subconscious had been building these defensive walls to neglect those feelings away.
Those crude remarks, those pointless insults, all seemed so stupid and immature now.
Speaking of immature, there was also this one time when Cheryl started a fight that resulted in Toni being punished as playing the mascot.
Toni looked so cute and huggable in that Bulldog getup.
And in her car when Cheryl reached out to touch Toni's hand because she was playing with her fingers instead of talking to her,
Cheryl had seen Toni blush, but she was the one with her heart dropped into her stomach.
It was like that one song where the singer said she might die because she forgot how to breathe as her crush got closer to her, and that there was nowhere in this world she'd rather be.
And now all those love songs suddenly seemed so relatable and all she had done was kiss Toni.
Imagine if they had done something more.
Okay, that's perverted, Cheryl thought, then blushed furiously at that thought.
She could think about Toni all day, and she'd still want to think about her more.
One thing was for sure, Cheryl Blossom has a crush on Toni Topaz.

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