Prologue - Pinky Promise

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A young boy with fair skin, chubby cheeks, pouty lips and cute dimples was walking along the riverbank of the park... He was humming a sweet tune... Little did the boy know, another boy who was playing with a kitten noticed him walking along the river bank. He was tan but also very cute and was a bit smaller. He smiled as he watched the boy humming and walking near the river and picking up some flowers and smelling them... 

"Simba look at that boy over there, Isn't he cute?" 

Suddenly hearing a splash, and a scream for help. The boy ran towards the river and saw the fair boy struggling to get out of the water. 

"Help! I can't swim!" The boy cried. The other boy just looked at him and crossed his arm. 

"You can just stand up, the water is very shallow." He said. 

The boy in the water stopped struggling and realized what the other boy said. He blushed with his embarrassment. 

"Help me up! it's very slippery!" He demanded while raising his hand. 

The other boy chuckled seeing the boy's blush, very cute indeed. and grabbed his hand, However, the other boy pulled him in the river, then laughed. 

"You tricked me!" He said and splashed water on him. 

Until they were both splashing water at each other and laughing... Until they both got out of the river both out of breath. 

"What happened to you?" Asked the smaller boy.

 "Well i was walking along the river and saw a very cute turtle but it was struggling on its shell, so i tried to help it, but slipped and fell into the water." The fair boy said a bit embarrassed.

"Ohhh i see. that's okay..." The smaller boy beamed a bright smile that the fair boy answered with an equally cute smile. 

"I'm Kong by the way. What is your name?" the tan boy asked. 

"I'm Arthit but my friends call me Oon." Arthit again smiled. 

"Well we're both very wet, we might get sick, we should get changed. Its nice meeting you Kong." Arthit said standing up. 

"Wait! Oon! Will we play again again tomorrow?" Kong asked. 

"Uhm!" Arthit nodded. 

"See you tomorrow then!" Arthit was ran and waved goodbye. Kong was just sitting there smiling brightly. Simba came near him and licked his wet hand. He patted Simba and said 

"He is not just cute but also funny and nice, I want to play with him always Simba." The kitten just stared at him "Meow~" They met again the next day and played together until they got tired and sat beside the river bank. 

"Oon i really like playing with you! I wish we could be together until we grow up!" Kong said. 

Arthit smiled and nodded "Yeah, me too." they just stared at the river until a small turtle crawled out of the water and played with the kitten. 

"Oon? what do you like to be when you grow up?" Kong asked. 

"Hmmm i want to be a famous actor, model and singer! I want to be a super star! How about you Kong?" Arthit said. 

"Hmmmmmm i want to be... Your husband!!" Kong said with a smug face. 

Arthit blushed upon hearing those words. Then both of them laughed, until Arthit hears his mom call him. 

"I better go Kong, My mom is already calling me." He said. 

"Okay but lets meet again tomorrow!" Kong said. 

Arthit shook his head, "I can't." 

Kong pouted and asked "Why nooooot?" 

 "Well it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm asking you to come," Arthit smiled at him brightly. 

Kong beamed at him, "Of course i will come! I could also meet your other friends!" He said enthusiastically. 

"Well I dont have any friends except you..." Arthit's face became a bit shy. "

Kong look puzzled. "Well i'm being home-schooled so i dont go to school, and my papa doesnt let me play outside, only my mama allows me when my papa is not around." He explained. 

Kong gave an "Ohhh" expression on his face... "Okay I promise i will come to your birthday tomorrow! I'll ask my mom and dad to bring me so they could so be friends and we could spend more time with each other!" Kong beamed... 

"You promise Kong?" Arthit asked "I Promise!" Kong answered raising his pinky finger, Arthit also raised his pinky finger and they made a promise but to his surprise Kong kissed him on the cheek, Arthit was surprised. Kong ran shouting and waving his hand goodbye... 

"I'll see you tomorrow Oon! I promiseee!!" Arthit blushed and touched his cheek. He smiled and ran to his mom...

Arthit's birthday came... He was excited for Kongpob to arrive. This was his first birthday that he will celebrate with a friend instead of himself or his nanny, because His papa was not always around because of business and his mom was an actress and a model and was always filming... but the sun already set... rain even fell in the evening... He waited and waited but Kong never came... That was the last time Arthit ever saw him again...


Hi guys! I got another PERAYA fanfic!...  hope you like it!! 

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