Chapter 20 - He's Dead

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It had been a few days since Arthit last heard news about Singto, Well actually it has been a week now.

"Hast P'Jane called yet?" Arthit asked Bright impatiently. Bright shook his head.

"I've tried calling him for a few days now but he hasnt picked up the call not even replying to my messages." Bright said. "Why are you so eager to communicate with him? You wanted Singto to stay away right?" Bright asked

"Well i just wanted to make sure he is safe..." Arthit reasoned. Then a few moments after P'Jane walked in the room.

"P'Jane!" Arthit called him and ran to him.

"So how is he? is he alright?" Arthit asked tears forming in his eyes. P'Jane just kept silent.

"P! please tell me?!" Arthit said now crying. P'Jane gave him the locket that he borrowed, but there was blood on it. Arthit was frozen with shock as he looked at the bloodied locket.

"Arthit?" Bright placed hs hand on Arthit's shoulder.

Arthit stared at the locket with shaking hands and asked "P'Jane? What does this mean P? I dont understand why would Singto's locket have blood? is he alright what happened to him p!?" Arthit asked and grabbed P'Jane's coat and shook him.

"He's gone Arthit..." P'Jane said with a sad tone.

"Gone? What do you mean gone P?!" Arthit said now crying hard.

"He's dead... Arthit... Singto is dead He tried to escape the police but he was shot..." P'Jane said with hoarse voice. 

Arthit was dumbfounded with what P'Jane told him, even bright dropped his jaw in shock. Arthit felt his knees weakened and fell sitting on the floor...

"No, this isnt true... No.. no.. Singto is not dead... Tell me Youre just kidding P! Tell me Singto is not dead P'Jane!" Arthit mumbled at first and then started shouting tears running down is pale cheeks.. P'Jane didnt answer a tear fell from his eyes seeing Arthit like this. Singto told him everything that happened but seeing Arthit like this he knew something was up...

Arthit cried his heart out, his heart was aching his was almost out of breath until he passed out.

"Arthit! Arthit!" Bright called out to him but there was no response. Arthit woke up on his bed with Bright and P'Jane and Dr Ming.

"He's awake now, and he's stable has he been taking the medicines that i gave him?" Dr Ming asked, Bright nodded. Dr Ming took his leave.

"Arthit? I know something is going on... Please tell me everything." P'Jane asked

"What for P? Singto is gone and its all my fault I was the one who killed him... i broke his heart, I was selfish... I know my dad did all those but i didnt do anything, It was all on me... I should be the one to blame... I killed Singto..." Tears again running from his eyes.

"Arthit please tell me, I need to know." P'Jane asked again. Bright placed his hand on P'Jane's shoulder

"He's not in the right state P, Ill do it..." Bright said. Bright told P'Jane every thing he knew according to what Arthit told him, His kidnapping, the plan to marry Namtarn Krittipak , the plan to dispose Singto and Arthit's plan to keep him safe... P'Jane was utterly shocked by this revelation... Kong needs to know this... He thought...

"P'Jane..." Arthit called out to him. "I want to see Sing... please take me to him..." He asked Jane was a bit surprised about this request and said 

"Uhm... they already buried his body Arthit, since he was an orphan and he has no family they said that a funeral was not needed so they just gave him a proper burial." He said,

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