Chapter 3 - Kidnapped

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"WHHAAATTTT!!!??? ARTHIT'S MISSING!!!??" Shouted Arthit's dad in shock. 

"What the hell are you idiots doing?!! You were supposed to guard and protect him!!!" He was hitting Prem and Knot. 

"Uncle, please stop hitting them, it's not their fault, Arthit ordered them to go---" Bright tried to explain but was cut of by Mr. Rojnapat, 

"Of course it's not their fault! It's YOUR fault for letting Arthit just do what the hell he wants!!" He snapped at Bright. 

"That's why We hired you! His so called friends to be with him all the damn time!!" He shouted at them. 

"You better find him now! dont ever comeback here without him! or you will lose than your jobs!" He snapped at them. They all just sighed and nodded. 

They went out of the office, "Where the hell will we find that damn brat?" Bright said. 

"I think we better split up so we have more ground to cover finding him." Toota suggested. 

"I agree with Ai'Toot, lets do that and if any one of us finds him call everyone as soon as possible got it?" Bright instructed. They all nodded and moved out.

Meanwhile, Arthit was struggling to get out of his ropes, when the door creaked open, and Singto and Aim peeked in, 

"Uhm excuse me? We brought you food." Aim said weakly. 

"I dont want anything from you! Get me out of here! Ill make sure that you all rot in jail!" Arthit snapped at them. Aim got scared and hid behind the door. Singto moved in the room was a bit dark so he turned on the lights. 

"Sing! are you crazy?! Why did you turned on the light? He will recognize us!" Aim whisper shouted at Singto. Singto just looked at him and smiled. Aim sighed and shook his head. Singto moved forward to Arthit, Arthit glaring at Singto.

"Make sure that after all this to change your face because i will surely remember that face of yours, It will be all over the news and posters." He snapped at Singto. 

Singto just smiled and said, "Well im really flattered to be rememberd by the famous Khun Krist." Arthit just glared at him. 

"I'm sorry, i was just trying to lighten up the mood, and Im sorry you got into this situation... Here please have some food I know youre hungry." Singto said while looking down. 

"How the hell can i eat when my hands are tied up?! What gonna make me eat like a fucking dog?!" Arthit snapped. 

"Im sorry Khun Krist but i cant remove that rope from your hands, if you would allow me i can feed you..." Singto offered. 

Arthit snorted, " And what? get your dirty hands all over my food?! I dont even know where you got that food from!! Who knows if it's poisoned or drugged again!?" Arthit said. 

"I washed my hands and I got this from a clean place, not from somewhere expensive though but at least its still clean." Singto told him. 

Arthit rolled his eyes and sighed. "get this in that thick skull of yours, I WILL NEVER ACCEPT NOR EAT ANYTHING FROM YOU!" he kicked the food that Singto is preparing spilling it on the floor. Singto looked at the food that was spilled... and snapped. 

"What the hell?! Did you know what me and my friend had to go thought to get that food for you?! here we are not getting enough food to last a day! and here you are wasting it! thats the problem with you rich people! you dont give importance to things and people that you think are only things that you can throw away anytime you dont need them anymore!" Singto shouted. 

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