Chapter 10 - Family

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The next morning, the news was out in public that Krist was already rescued reporters rushed to where Krist was. The reporters found out the hotel where Krist was and they rushed there waiting for their idol. Arthit went out of the hotel with everyone. He met the reporters and they all bombarded him with questions.

"One by one everyone!" Bright shouted but the reporters keep on asking in chorus.

"How do you feel that you're free now?"

"How did it feel being kidnapped?"

"Have you pressed charges against your kidnappers?"

"Im feel good that i'm free now, it was scary being kidnapped and yes i have pressed charges on them." Arthit answered them.

"Is he the on who saved you?" A reporter asked pointing at Singto. Arthit nodded.

"Wow he is so handsome! What is your name Khun?" One reporter asked Singto.

Singto looked at Arthit like he's asking him for help, Arthit smiled and answered for Singto. "His name is Singto and he saved my life."

"He's so handsome he could also be a model." One of the reporters commented. "Not just good looking but also a Hero!" Another said giggling. but hearing these words makes Arthit have mixed feelings, happy and proud because ofthe praises that Singto is recieving, but also irritated and jealous.

"Okay that's enough questions for today. We need to go." Arthit told the reporters. Prem and Knot weaved the crowd to make way for them.

Bright noticed Arthit's mood suddenly change.

"Arthit are you okay? You seem... jealous..."

"I'm not jealous!" Arthit said in a high pitched tone making Bright and Toota raise their eyebrows.

Singto went near Arthit and whispered into his ear "Dont worry P'Oon my attention is all yours." making Arthit flustered.

"W-wait i forgot something at home. Ill go home for a bit you guys can go first." Arthit said. "We will go with you Arthit." Knot and Prem said, and Arthit nodded.

They rode the limo back home. "You guys can stay here its home after all im sure ill be safe dont worry. Knot and Prem nodded. Arthit went inside the house going upstairs to his room, when he heard a sound coming from his father's room.

Is that Papa? He's talking on the phone. I wonder who he's talking to? Arthit thought. Though he never had interest in his father's affairs why does he have the interest to listen to this now? He leaned on the door and listened to his father's conversation.

"You screwed up! It didnt end up the way I planned it! He is still defiant againt me! because of that you wont get your money nor your freedom! Now you better shut your mouth Jon or you will never see the outside world from behind bars ever again!" He heard his father say. Arthit's eyes widened his hands shaking, he opened the door letting his father know that he was there and he heard what he just said. Mr Rojnapat's eyes widened as he saw Arthit at his door, his face filled with anger and eyes with tears.

"How long have you been there Arthit?" He asked.

"It was you? You hired those guys to kidnap me? YOUR OWN SON?! WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU!? ARENT WE FAMILY?!" Arthit shouted, tears flowing from his eyes, his breathe heavy and his knuckles clenched. Mr. Rojnapat was shocked that Arthit heard what he just said, but he composed himself and sighed.

"Yes, it was me. I hired those three to kidnap you to make you feel fear and be obidient to me." He said coldly.

"What kind of father are you?" Arthit said shaking his head in disbelief.

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