Chapter 17 - Day 7

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Last night was fun, even though they just stayed in the room watching movie after movie, Arthit and Singto was on the couch watching with their friends. Until Arthit fell asleep on Singto's Lap. Bright and Toota were snoring too but before they had the loudest laughs and screams while watching, but they also had the loudest snores... Prem and Knot woke them up and dragged them back to their room. They all got  tired so they went back to their rooms and bid Singto and the sleeping Arthit goodbye, closed the door behind them.

Singto slowly carried Arthit to their bed. Singto was about to go to dreamland too when he heard a knock on their door. He was curious to see who it was. Who could it be at this hour? He thought. He went to the door and opened it. He was surprised to see a man wearing a coat. He recognized the man as Mr. Rojnapat's man.

"Uhm yes? Are you here for P'Arthit? He is already sleeping." Singto told him.

"Actually I am here for you Khun Singto. Mr. Rojnapat wants to speak with you he has something important that he wants to tell you." The man said.

Singto was surprised. Me? Why does he want to talk to me? and at this hour?

"Uhm I cant leave P'Arthit Khun, if Mr. Rojnapat wants he could come up here in the room it would be more comfortable to talk here." Singto said

"Well he wont be able to come up Khun Singto, He is a bit in a hurry since he will have a meeting very early in the morning. That's why he wanted to speak with you now. He says it is very important" The man says, "Dont worry it will only take a few minutes." He added quickly.

"Fine. just to get this over with..." I honestly have a bad feeling about this. Singto thought. He looked at Arthit still sleeping and he nodded to the guy and followed him to the parking lot.

There he saw a black limo the door opened and Mr. Rojnapat came out. Singto wai-ed at him and Mr. Rojnapat gave him a nice smile. This surprised Singto. Well this is different... He thought.

"Singto right?" Mr Rojnapat asked. Singto nodded. "How are you?" He asked.

"Uhm I'm just fine Khun Rojnapat." Singto answered.

"Are you happy? being with Arthit I mean and with everything that you're experiencing right now? the luxury, the delicious food, the soft warm beds?" He asked

Singto did a single nod, "Uhm khrap khun..."

Mr Rojnapat smiled, but not a smile of happiness but a sarcastic one. "Now arent you a lucky bastard..." Singto was a bit surprised with his words. "Well I mean to be honest Singto, I was just like you before... I was poor, I lived in the streets, I stole from vendors for some food for my family. But then I worked hard, i studied while i was working and now look where I am. But you! you my dear boy... you just need to use your good looks and charm to get something from someone. Now tell me Singto honestly, what do you want from Arthit?" Mr Rojnapat asked him crossing his arms across his chest.

"I-I dont..." Singto started to answer but he was cut off.

"Money? You want money right?" Mr Rojnapat asked him fiercely.

Singto was surprised, He was quite speechless, a few seconds pass and he found the courage to speak to the man who looks down on him. "With all due respect Mr. Rojnapat, I never wanted money from your son. I never wanted to hurt him and use him for my selfish things. I truly do care about P'Arthit." He said

Mr Rojnapat just rolled his eyes. "How much do you want? One million dollars is that enough?" He asked casually.

"One Million dollars?" He asked in shock

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