Chapter 15 - Day 5

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It was already late in the morning when both Singto and Arthit woke up. They really enjoyed watching the fireworks last night.

Singto and Arthit went to the dining hall, everyone was already there, and they were taking about the concert nonstop.

"The drummer was really awesome!" Aim exclaimed excitedly

"Agree! But the basist was also awesome!" Oak said

"These guys talking excitedly like kids!" Bright said "but we would agree that the guitarist is the best!" He added

"But the vocalist is very hot hot hot!!" Toota said while fanning his hand.

Prem, Knot, and Arthit shook their heads, while Wad, Tew and Singto laughed because of the antics of their friends...

"Its too bad both of you werent there to njoy it with us." Aim told Singto and Arthit.

"Its alright, we still enjoyed the night, we were able to watch the fireworks from the balcony last night." Singto answered Aim

"Well yeah it was amazing! but there were so many people though i hated it when some people bump on me and rub their body against mine." Oak said

"Like someone would be interested to rub their body against yours Ai'Oak!" Aim spat that earned him a hit on the head from Oak.

Everyone chuckled from their atics. "Oh I remembered! Dr Ming will come today to bring the result of your blood test Arthit." Bright told them.

"But arent we going to the garden park today?" Arthit asked

"Well we need to meet him first, I'll ask him to come this morning, then we could go in the afternoon and have a picnic there." Bright said, he took his phone from his pocket, "Okay ill give him a call to ask him to come earlier." He stood up and dialed Dr Ming's number.

"I hope that the results are good." Singto said

"I hope so too" Arthit answers

A few moments after Bright came back to the table. "he said that he is already on his way. let wait for him at your room Arthit." He said and Arthit nodded.


Dr Ming was in his car and was driving to the hotel. A medical box was beside him. He looked at it with worry in his eyes...


After he collected blood sample, He went back to the hospital clinic and once again checked the notes that he made regarding Arthit's symptoms, He shook his head and muttered. "This can't be this all seems familiar." All these symptoms are like as before... I need to make sure and check his blood. He placed a few drops of Arthit's blood on a glass slide and placed it under his microscope. He took a look at it and was shocked. "No, this cant be... It's exactly the same as her's..." He said...

He did a few more tests on the blood and checked everything in it. The next day, he sat at his chair reading the test results when he heard his phone ring. He saw that it was Bright calling and answered the phone. "Yes Bright I'll be on my way this morning." He finally answered and dropped the call.

He put all the results in his medical box and grabbed his coat. He went to the parking lot to his car and drove back to the hotel.

He arrived at the hotel and called Bright to inform them at h is already there.

"Okay Doc you can go straight to he room I already informed the front office." Bright said through the phone. So he went straight to the elevator and went to the room. He was infront of the room and knocked on the door.

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