Chapter 13 - Day 3

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Warning: This chapter contains some sexual content.


Day 3

Singto POV

Sunlight peeked through the curtains of the hotel waking up Singto. He opened his eyes and saw a sleeping angel beside him. Pink cheeks, red lips, long eyelashes. He truly is beautiful. No wonder i fell for this boy.

Recently I have been having dreams, both good and bad ones. Its a good thing I had a good dream last night.

I was at the park and having a conversation with a boy... I couldnt see his face it was blury, but I could sense that he was cute, and had a dimple. He said he wanted to be an actor when he grows up like his mother, then he asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, and it was really funny I answered that I wanted to be his husband. I saw him blush and we laughed at that, but then the darn sun woke me up from that beautiful dream. That boy really seemed familiar it felt like I know him very well... He reminded me a lot of P'Arthit. but was it possible that we knew each other before? But i grew up in the slumps and he grew up in wealth with a silver spoon as they say but for m he grew up with a golden spoon. I really feel that I knew him but i dont want to assume it will only hurt to expect but then what you expected was never actually true...

Well I dont care about that right now, all I know is that I'm with P'Arthit and he is with me...

Arthit moved a bit tilting his head, Damn that white neck and jaw its very tempting, It like inviting me to leave my mark. Singto bit his lips to prevent himself from doing something that he might regret later. He brushed Arthit's hair to reveal his face that Singto really adored.

Singto realised that he was not wearing a shirt when he went to bed, just his pajama. Arthit moved his head down his head on Singto's chest. His lips were so close to his nipple that every time Arthit breathes, hot breathe blows on Singto's nipple giving him a shivering sensation and in no time a bulge was forming in his pajama. Singto was breathing heavily with what the sleeping Arthit was doing to him. Is he really sleping or he's just teasing me?

Arthit moaned a bit, Is he having a dream? i wonder what he's dreaming about? Arthit's hand suddenly moved and placed itself on Singto's crotch making Singto gasp. Damn it P! if you keep this up i wont be able to hold myself and i might do something to you! he thought, He was fighting his urges hard.

He moved his hand to get Arthit's hand off his bulge but Arthit grabbed it tighter making Singto moan loudly. Singto bit his lip and closed his eyes. When he suddenly felt a wet thing touching his nipple, like it was being licked. He opned his eyes and saw Arthit awake and is licking his nipple. Arthit looked at him, Singto's eyes widened his face red as a tomato when Arthit suddenly caught his lips into as soft kiss that slowly turned passionate. Singto couldnt hold it anymore, he bit Arthit's lower lip demanding for an entry which Arthit let in enter.

Their togues danced and fought in their mouths as Arthit started to move his hand that was on Singto's bulge that made Singto moan loudly. Arthit then pushed Singto down the bed making him on top of Singto. they stared at each other for a few seconds, then Arthit dove in again into Singto's lips, his kiss trailed down to Singto's jaw down to his neck, moving down to his chest again Arthit sucking and licking on his nipples. Singto was breathing heavily and artching his back due to the intense sensation of pleasure that he was feeling.

Arthit's lips and tongue trailed down to his abs, to his lips. Arthit stopped and looked at Singto both of them are now fully red. Arthit licked his lips teasingly and then bit them. Their eyes never looking away from each other, Arthit slowly lowered Singto's pajama and boxer exposing his member's throbbing head. Arthit smirked teasingly and licked it Singto shouted a loud moan. His moan made Arthit more excited and not was sucking on his member's head. until he pulled down Singto's pajama and boxer until his thigh, exposing his completely hardened member and balls. Arthit then traced his tongue from Singto's groin up to his balls, to the shaft until the head. Singto was now lost in pleasure arching his back and hips his starting to jerk. he then felt his member inside a wet but warm place. He looked at Arthit who was now engulfing his whole member. Their eyes locked again filled with lust.

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