Chapter 14 - Day 4

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The sunshine peeked through the curtains. Sinto opened his eyes inhaling the scent of the boy who was snuggling with him. He looked at he face of the sleeping Arthit, but something was a bit off. He didnt have his signature rosy cheeks, He was quite pale, we more pale to be infact, his pinks lips was also quite pale and he was breathing quite heavy. Singto touched his skin and thought it was a bit cold. he turned down the air conditioner and placing a blanker over Arthit thinking it was the cold that made him pale. Singto stood up and got some hot water for coffee.

I will make hot chocolate for P'Arthit, i know this will make him feel better, well aside from his pink milk. He went back to the room with the hot choco, when he opened the door he saw Arthit awake.

"Oh P you're awake now? How are you feeling? I brought you some hot chocolate you seemed a bit cold earlier." He said

Arthit tried to sit up the bed, but he felt a bit weak and tired, but he didnt want to worry Singto, "I'm fine Sing, i just think i need to sleep more... Maybe im just a bit tired..." He said to try relieve the worried eyes staring at him.

Singto placed the hot choco on the desk beside the bed and sat in front of Arthit. He cupped Arthit's cheeks and kissed his forehead, then his nose, the his lips. The kiss was soft and sweet. Arthit blushed a bit when Singto cut the kiss. "There's that blush that i was looking for." He said while brushing his fingers on Arthit's blushing cheeks.

He still looks pale and feels cold though. He thought. He picked up the hot choco from the desk. "here P take a sip from this it will make you warm and feel better." Singto said while making Arthit sip some of the hot choco. "And I made it for you." He added.

Arthit smiled and took a sip from the cup. "Uhhhmmmm this is the second best hot choco I've ever had." Arthit told him with a teasing smile.

Singto pouted and and made his signature puppy eyes. "Second best? Who is the first best then P?" He asked with a sulking tone.

Arthit chuckled at what he is seeing, "My mom's" he said beaming a smile.

"Hmmmmmm maybe it's too late to ask her to teach me how to make the best hot choco for my P'Oon." Singto said with a cheeky grin.

Arthit just chuckled and shook his head and took one more sip from his hot choco. But he felt a bit dizzy, "Sing, I think i need to rest more, I feel a little bit dizzy." Arthit said.

Singto took the cup of hot choco and helped Arthit lay down. Singto was very worried.

"P Arthit! Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital? I'll call P'Bright..." Singto was about to stand up and run to Bright's room but Arthit grabbed his shirt

"Sing, I'm okay maybe im just a bit tired, Ill just take a nap okay? Dont worry I'm fine." Arthit said trying to smile his face once again very pale.

"Please dont leave... I hate being alone..." Arthit pleaded. Singto grabbed Arthit's hand and cupped it with his and kissed it.

"I wont leave you P I promise." Singto's eyes were building up tears.

Arthit chuckled. "Silly boy, I'm fine i just need rest, really... and I wont be able to sleep without my favorite cuddle pillow." Arthit made a pout.

Sing smiled a bit tears were still forming in his eyes, but he nodded and laid down beside Arthit who wrapped his arms around Singto and buried his face in the crook of his neck. and fell asleep a few minutes after.

Singto couldnt fall asleep he was just observing Arthit's pale face, it was becoming better again but still pale. He was brushing Arthit's hair from his face.

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