Chapter 34 - Our Miracle

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The surgery was lasted for 6 hours Kongpob was outside the surgery room pacing back and forth. Tears in his eyes. He was praying that the surgery would go well, He was very worried because of the things that happened a few hours earlier.


It has been 2 hours since the start of the surgery, Kongpob was outside the surgery room, but he felt a bit hungry so he went to a vending machine to get something to eat. When he heard an announcement that made him frozen in place

"Attention Doctors and nurses please rush to operation room code blue, repeat code blue, Dr Mew needs more assistance."

When he heard Dr Mew's name he was frozen in place like his feet were rooted on the ground. He knew that Dr Mew was the one doing the surgery on Arthit and Mr Rojnapat. His heart pounded even harder when he heard that it was a code red. He ran back to the surgery room, where he found Art coming out in a rush.

"Art! What happening? How's Arthit? and Por?" Kong asked panting

"Sorry Kong im in a hurry! were doing our best to keep them safe. please stay calm." Art told him in a rush.

More doctors and nurses rushed to the operating room and wore scrub suits to assist Dr Mr Mew. Kongpob heard the conversation of one of the doctors and Art.

"What happened? why the code blue?" The doctor asked.

"Arthit Rojnapat's RBC (red blood cells) have been dropping to a very dangerous level, his body in going into shock. We need to infuse blood to him ASAP." Art told the doctor.

Kong suddenly ran towards Art. "Art! please let me see Arthit! Please let me be beside him!" He begged them

"Kong im sorry but you cant! The operating room is strictly prohibited for outsiders." Art tried to reason

"Please Art! Let me be with him! I beg you please!"Kong begged.

Art hesitated, "Fine!" Art gave him a scrub suit, a hair net and mask. "Wear these." Art said.

Kong wore the dress the hair net and mask quickly and ran inside.

The doctors saw Kongpob enter the room "What is he doing here?! He's not allowed here!" Dr Mew said raising his voice.

"I'll take responsibility for him. PLease let him be with Arthit." Art told Dr Me with a serious tone.

"Fine! He's already here anyway!" Dr Mew said Kong rushed to Arthit's side and held his hand.

Arthit was lying on his stomach, a surgical opening was on his lower spine.

"Arthit! Its me Kongpob, Im here... please fight! Please survive this! we will still have a proper wedding remember?" Kong talked to Arthit in a soft voice begging him to fight,

Kong can hear the heart monitor decreasing in beeps, his heart was becoming weaker. "Oon! please fight! please Oon!" Kong begged Arthit crying his heart out.

He could hear Mr Rojnapat on the other bed just beside Arthit murmuring. "Please save my son..."

Arthit's eyes twitched open, his vision was blurry and his hearing was not not working but he recognize the person in front of him. "Kong..." He muttered, Arthit smiled weakly

"He's waking up! give him more anesthesia!" One doctor said. They adjusted the anesthesia that was hooked on his oxygen.

"I... lo..." Arthit muttered but fell asleep again.

The doctors hooked a bag of blood to be infused to Arthit. but his heart monitor still beeped slower, until it became a flat tone.

Kongpob's eyes widened he shook Arthit's hand calling out to him.

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