Fight for Life

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Arthit was getting ready for his flight in a few hours today, He was staring at the ring on his finger... A ring that symbolizes his and Kongpob's love and promise to each other. He cant help but smile every time he sees it on his finger.

"P are you ready?" Kongpob asked as he entered the room. Arthit nodded. Kong came near and hugged him from behind

"Dont worry P, I will never leave you... We will get through this... together..." Kong said he let go of the hug and pushed Arthit's wheelchair. At the lobby of the hospital Kong's and Arthit's friends were gathered. One by one they all greeted Arthit and wished his to get well soon.

Arthit's eyes were filler with tears because he doesnt know when he will see them again... or if he will ever see them again... He was scared, so scared that his heart never stopped from palpitating, but Kongpob noticed Arthit worry and placed his hand on his shoulder. Kongpob smiled at Arthit and he smiled back, Arthit's worried expression changed into a more relaxed one after seeing Kongpob's smile...

They entered the car that P'Jane drove for them. until they reached the airport. They were at the boarding area waiting for the time they board their plane.

Kong was sitting beside Arthit, when he noticed his P staring blankly into space.

"P? Are you alright? you look... scared?" Kong said

Arthit snapped out of his daze and nodded. "Yes im alright Kong, Im just... yeah... scared... i dont know... i have this bad feeling that... it might not work... that i might-" But Kong cut him off before he could say the word Kong dreaded to hear.

"It will work P. You can get though this. WE can get though this. and I will be with you every step of the way I promise." Kong said holding Arthit's hand, his eyes filled with determination. Kong kissed Arthit's hand. Then it was time for them to board the plane.

The flight took almost a day Arthit was very tired. When the plane landed he and Kongpob went to the arriving area. A man with dark eyes and dark hair had a cardboard with Kongpob and Arthit's names in both English and Thai. Kong pushed Arthit to the man's direction.

"Hi, Are you guys Kongpob and Arthit?" the man asked then.

Kong and Arthit nodded. Arthit was a bit surprised that Kong was fluent in English, then he remembered that Kong had been in the US the past two years.

"Hi, Yes I am Kongpob, and he is Arthit." Kongpob gestured to the man.

The man nodded, "I'm sorry, I am Art, the assisstant of Dr. Mew Suppasit. Dr Ming referred Mr Arthit to Dr Mew." Tony said.

"Yes were also informed by Dr. Ming about it." Kong answered, Arthit stated at Kong he was really amazed at how Kong was talking in English very comfortably.

"Okay thats great!, Alright come with me. I will take you to the medical center so you could rest for a while before Dr Mew starts with explaining the treatment." Tony said as he ushered them to a car.

They arrived at what looks like a cross between a hotel and a hospital. They were very amazed seeing the medical center.

Tony led them to a room that looks like a hotel room.

"This is your room. Please feel at home.Take a rest for now Dr Mew will see you guys in a bit." He said.

Arthit and Kongpob settled in the room. Kong placed Arthit on the bed for him to take a rest, a few minutes passed and a knock was heard from the door.

Kongpob opened the door and found a man standing and smiling at him. "Hello, you must be Kongpob, I'm Dr Mew Suppasit." He introduced himself. "Can I come in?" He asked

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