Chapter 24 - Stone Cold

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Kong brought Arthit to his pent house, until they reached his room. He pushed Arthit on his bed and positioned himself on top of him.

Arthit was staring at him with tears brimming from his eyes. Kong kissed him roughly, and Arthit whelped in pain as Kong was biting his lips. Kong moved to his jaw down to his neck, until he removed Arthit's shirt violently. Tears started to fall from Arthit's eyes. Kong stopped and stared at Arthit. Tears flowing from his eyes small sobs escaping from his lips.

"If this is the way for you to forgive me then i wont complain. I deserve this for hurting you so much, You have all the right to hurt me as much as you want." Arthit said softly between his sobs.

Kong shut his eyes tight and moved away from Arthit. Arthit was confused with Kong's action. "I cant do this." He said.

Kong got up and grabbed a shirt from his closet and tossed it to Arthit who sat up on the edge of the bed. "Change your shirt and leave." He said in a cold tone.

"Kong I..." Arthit was about to speak.

"Please leave!!! Now!! I never want to see you again... ever..." Kong raised his voice not looking at Arthit. Arthit put the shirt on and walked out of Kong's house.

After hearing the door shut. Kong let his tears fall. He screamed on top of his lungs and threw some of his stuff. Until he fell on his bed feeling exhausted. P'Jane knocked on his door but he didnt answer.

P'Jane sighed, "Kong i know you're in there. Whatever it is your doing please stop this. You're only hurting yourself as well..."

The door opened revealing a tearful Kong. "P' I couldnt do it..." He sobbed. "Why cant I hurt him? Why does it hurt so much to hurt him?" He hugged huis brother for comfort.

"i know you still love him, why do you need to hurt both of you Kong?" P'Jane asked

"because he hurt me P! He hurt me so bad! but after all this time... i still love him and i couldnt hurt him!" Kong cried harder in his brother's arms.

Arthit called for a taxi and went back to his house. He was all in tears, but was just crying silently. until he reached his room and there he cried until he fell asleep.

The morning light shined through the window. waking up Kong, He found himself lying on his bed his pillow was drenched in his tears. He remembered what had happened that night he hated Arthit he wante to hurt him but he couldnt do it the more he wanted to hurt him the more he felt hurt. He still loved Arthit very much, but he was too clouded by his anger and want for revenge. He got us and prepared to go to the office.

Arthit was woken but by the sound of knocking on his door. His pillow was also wet from his tears, he he still wore the shirt that Kongpob gave him last night. He went to the door and opened it. Arms were suddenly wrapped around him of a crying Namtarn.

"Where have you been last night? I came here to celebrate our anniversary, but you were not home, I tried to call you many times but your phone was off. I was so worried i thought that something bad happened to you!" She said sobbing...

"Nam I..." Arthit tried to speak but he doesnt know what to say...

"You have been cold to me these fast few days since he returned. Do you still love him?" She asked Arthit couldnt answer,

"I love you Arthit! please dont hurt me too." He said crying. Arthit froze from where he was standing. He placed both his hands on her back. and whispered. "I wont..."

"Promise me Arthit!" She asked

"I... promise..." Arthit said looking down... He realized that he had been trying to get Kong back but he still had Nam. She had never done anything to hurt him, she actually never left him. She doesnt deserve to be hurt like this. She cried in his arms until she calmed down.

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