Chapter 7 - Nightmare

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This chapter may contain some violence, foul language and Sexual themes that might not be suitable for some audiences.


Where am I? is this a park? 

There were trees, plants and flowers everywhere, this place is beautiful, This place seem familiar... but i cant remember... 

Then he heard gushing of water, is that a river? 

"Meow~" He looked at his feet and found an orange kitten, He looked at the cat's tag "Simba" was written on it. 

Then he looked around and saw a boy but the boy's face was not clear. He felt like he knows this boy, He felt very familiar. 

He closed his eyes, when he opened them, the sky turned dark, it was dusk, the sun was setting, He was in a car there were two people siting in the front. 

Who are they? He thought. 

They were looking at him both smiling, he smiled back, 

"Dont forget this" the woman said giving him a box with a cute ribbon on it. 

A gift? It was a green box with a red ribbon tied up around it. and a note with a "Happy Birthday" is this for me? 

He couldnt see the name written on it. He looked up, then he saw two bright light coming towards them they were very bright that he closed his eyes and felt a Bang. He opened his eyes and flames everywhere, he looked in front of him. 

Two bloody hands can be seen hanging from the front seats. Fire was around him and he couldnt escape, he was so scared...

The night was cold, but Singto was sweating. He kept calling "Mama! Papa!" Aim and Wad woke up with Singto's shouting. 


"Hey,wake up!" Aim and Wad called and shook Singto to wake him up. 

Oak and Tew also woke up with the commotion happening. Singto opened his eyes and suddenly stood up, 

"Singto! It's okay now..." Wad and Aim hugged him calming him down, then fell sitting on the floor. His knees felt weak, tears were running from his eyes, his heart pounding so much that it hurts his chest, but he doesnt know why he felt that way, Was he that scared of that nightmare? 

Are those just nightmares? or are those memories? No they are just nightmares... He was panting Oak got some water and gave it to him. Aim and Wad still hugging him. 

"It's okay now Sing, we're here..." Aim told him. He calmed down and smiled weakly 

"thanks guys." He told all of them. 

The door suddenly swung open, Jon, Park and Yong came in very drunk, and they seem angry...

Earlier that day...

Yong, Jon and Park were outside and wanted to drink. but they didnt have money, They tried to call Bright to get some money for their hostage. 

"Hello?" Bright answered from the other line.

"Hello there Mr. Manager." Jon answered. 

"We dont have the money yet! You gave us 10 days right? its only been 5 days!" Bright said from the other line. 

"I know Mr. Manager, dont worry we wont be collecting the whole amount today, but we would really appreciate it if you gave us some now, lets say one hundred thousand?" Jon said.

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