Chapter 23 - Hierarchy

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A few weeks have passed since Kongpob had become the new CEO in the company. He had some changes in some of the policies within. Most of the employees loved the new policies and gave them more drive to work and make the company better. Mr. Rojnapat had been trying to look for loop holes and faults in the new policies that Kongpob had implemented, but was not able to, due to it having positive effects, that also made the board happy.

"Kongpob's new policies are actually very good!" One board member say.

"The company's production rate has increased in these past few weeks as the policies were implemented." Another said.

"The employees are more eager and happy to work because of the new policies from our new CEO." Another said.

These comments angered Mr Rojnapat even more.

Another meeting was held for the board members.

"I heard that the new CEO has a new policy. Im sure it would be great again as his other policies." An employee said.

They were back in at the meeting room, everyone was seated on their seats, they are all looking forward for the new policy that their new CEO Kongpob Sutthiluck has.

"Good morning everyone, I would like to thank you for all your support and guidance for these past weeks that encouraged me with implementing these new policies to make our company better." Kongpob said

"Well you proved to all of us that we were not wrong in placing you in your position, You deserve it young man." One board member said.

Mr. Rojnapat was infuriated with the words he was hearing.

"And even the previous CEOs had never even thought of those kind of policies." Mr Pawat said. who looked at Mr Rojnapat and smiled.

Mr Rojnapat smiled back at him "Well the new generation is more updated than us oldies isnt that right Mr Pawat." He said smirking and earned a chuckle from Mr Pawat.

"Thank you very much again, well as for the new policy, I would like to have a scholarship for street children and fund their education, because I think that education should be given to all, and help those people who are having a difficult time in their lives but is eager to study. and i would also want to allow them internship in our company as well." Kongpob said

Most of he board memebers were silent thinking about the proposed policy.

"I do not think that it would be beneficial for our company." Mr Rojnapat said.

"Why do you think so Mr Rojnapat?" P'Jane asked.

"Well if we allow street children to work in our company then it would ruin the reputation of our engineers that came from the best universities and had already made a name within the company. and our partners and customers might time doubt the quality of work that we are doing due to the people who would be working in our company." He explained further.

Some of the board members nodded in agreement to what Mr Rojnapat said.

"Well with all due respect Mr Rojanapat. but i beg to disagree. because this would give a chance to those people who deserves to be acknowledged but were not given a chance to, especially those who are eager and are hardworking. like i said earlier everyone whether rich or poor deserves to get fair education and it would also be great if we found people who have talent and skill with them. And i dont think that the partners and customers will doubt the quality of our work, instead i believe that they will be more impressed and encouraged that we are doing a good deed for our nation's citizens." Kongpob said and all of the members were impressed with Kongpob's statement.

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