Chapter 37 - Unexpected

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Arthit was struggling with the men who grabbed him but he was easily overpowered by them. "What the hell?! Am I being kidnapped?! AGAIN?!" He thought...

"No I must escape from them! I need to go to Kongpob! I need my husband!" He shouted in his thoughts. He was shoved in a car, but he could feel two men sitting on either side of him.

He was blindfolded, his mouth was gagged and his hands were tied. He was struggling until he was tired. What's the point of struggling? I cant escape them like this! Kongpob! Please help me! Please find me! He cried in his thoughts.

He felt like the travel was like several hours. Until he felt the car stop. The two men beside him shoved him out of the car.

"Out!" said one of the men. When he got out of the car he was carried by one of them and was placed on his shoulder. He struggled to escape but was too light for the man. He was carried for a few minutes until he was roughly dropped by the man carrying him.

One of them pulled the gag from his mouth.

"Ouch! You asshole! Could you drop me more carefully?! I'm a sick person you know!" Arthit protested trying to be brave but he was starting to get scared.

"Oho feisty arent we?" One man said. They removed Arthit's blindfold, and the light hurt his eyes a bit. He looked around a saw that he was in a small dark room, only lit by a single light bulb. He saw 5 men in front of him wearing different kinds of masks.

Arthit looked at each of them very carefully, trying to get a clue on who they were. They were all wearing black jumpsuits. The man on the far left looked big, he seemed to be the buffest among the group, he was wearing a bear mask. The guy next to him sitting on the floor Indian style looked small and thin, He was wearing a monkey mask. The man in the middle looked athletic he was wearing a dragon mask, The one next to him was sitting on a box he was chubby and was wearing pig mask, and the last man on the far right was leaning on the wall his arms crossed on his chest and was all quiet, he was wearing an wolf mask.

"What do you want from me?! Why did you do this?! Who ordered you to do this?!" Arthit asked them raising his voice.

"None of your business." Said the guy in the middle who seemed to be their leader. His voice was like a robot.

"We were ordered by someone to take you here and keep you here, and you wont escape." The guy from the far left spoke, his voice was also like a robot's, Now that Arthit could take a closer look they were all wearing voice altering chokers so that he couldnt recognize their voices.

"My husband will find me and will rescue me and all of you will rot in jail!" Arthit spat at them.

They all laughed on Arthit's words, that made Arthit really nervous.

"You mean that Kongpob Sutthiluck? Well he doesnt know of this and he will never know where you are, no matter where he look he will never find you." The guy with the monkey mask said with his robotic voice

"Oh and you should obey what we tell you to do because if not, that beloved husband of yours will..." The man in the middle said and ended his sentence with drawing a line with his finger across his neck, that means death.

Arthit's eyes widened and he got scared for his husband, He dearly loved him despite him cheating.

The man in the middle walked near Arthit held his chin to see his face.

"Well you have a very beautiful face." He said

"I wonder how would you look like dressing up?" He continued.

He grabbed Arthit's arm to stand up and removed the tie from his hands. He threw some cloths to Arthit that looked like "Costumes?" Arthit thought

"Costumes? Are you some kind of sick perverted otaku?" Arthit said looking at the costumes given to him.

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