Chapter 32 - To Live Without

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Kongpob was pacing back and forth in their room, while Arthit was just staring blankly outside the window.

The thought of facing his father again troubled them, They never thought that they will be needing his help.

"Kong..." Arthit called out to Kong. Kong stopped pacing and looked at Arthit.

"Yes P'Ai'Oon?" Kong asked with worry.

"I think I'm ready to face him again..." Arthit said. He was still staring out the window.

"Are you sure? I mean... if you say so then..." Kong couldnt finish his sentence he was worried on how Arthit would accept the fact the he now needs his father, the man who used and hurt him for hisown greed.

"I'm okay now Kong, I think I can face him now."Arthit said now looking at Kong and smiling slowly.

Kong nodded "I'll call P'Jane then." Kong grabbed his phone and dialled P'Jane's number.

Kong told him about what Dr. Mew told them about Arthit's condition and the need for a Bone Marrow Transplant that will come from his father.

"Is that so? it seems that Arthit's sickness has advanced even more, but Dr Ming told me that if it wasnt for the chemo that Arthit had he would have been long gone. I will talk to Mr Rojnapat about this." P'Jane said on the other line.

"Thank you so much P, and one more thing, P'Arthit and I... we are now officially married." Kong said smiling to his brother.

"What?! When!? and you didnt plan to invite or even tell us?! Kong how could you?!!" P'Jane shouted on the line his voice sounded rally happy but he tried t make it sound disappointed.

"I'm sorry P it was like a spur of the moment thing, I got scared that I might lose him forever so I decided to marry his the next day. but once he is recovered we will have an official wedding ceremony with everyone." Kong said

"Fine, I'll hold on to that. I'll do as you ask so we could make sure that wedding happens." P'Jane said as they cut off the line. 

Kongpob went back to Arthit "I have already informed P'Jane, he will talk to your father about it." Arthit smiled weakly and nodded, he looked out the window again. Kongpob noticed this and got a bit worried.

"P? is there something bothering you?" He asked

"nothing... it was just that, What if my father declines?" Arthit said with sadness

"He wont P. I'll make sure that he will help you, if not I promise to find someone who will." Kong said as he hugged Arthit's head and kissed his forehead. Arthit's once soft hair was gone. even his eyebrows were gone. his cheeks were sunken and so were his eyes, his skin was very pale, but Kong still found him beautiful.

P'Jane went to prison to speak with Mr Rojnapat. He was brought from his cell to the visiting area. He was thinner than he was. He sat in front of Jane a glass with holes between them. He gave Jane a soft smile.

"Jane, it has been quite a while. How are you doing?" Mr Rojnapat asked.

"Im doing quite well Mr Rojnapat..." Jane told him.

"That's quite good to know. How are Arthit and Kongpob? I hope they are doing well?" He asked

"Thats what I actually came about, Arthit... is not doing well... as you know he is sick." Jane explained

"I know that he is in the US right now being on treatment with his sickness, am i not correct?" Mr Rojnapat asked.

"He is actually, but the treatment is not going well for him, His cancer keeps on coming back, and Singto called me to inform me that the doctor told them that Arthit needs a bone marrow transplant, However they need a compatible donor." Jane explained.

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