Chapter 33 - Be Happy

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After the teary reunion of Arthit and his father, Art never stopped teasing Arthit on how he was a crying mess about missing Kongpob for only a few days.

"Really Kong! Arthit's tears started to fall once you went out of that door!" Art said that earned a glare from Arthit.

Kongpob chuckled at the antics of Art and Arthit, he smiled at Arthit widely, thinking that his husband is so sweet.

"What are you grinning about there? Dont believe every word Art said. I didnt cry! not at all!" Arthit said his voice a bit high pitched.

"Tssss why is your voice sooo high pitched?!" Art said. 

Arthit glared again and pinted a finger to Art in warning. "You know If i wasnt feeling wear right now and if you were not the one helping Dr Mew with my treatment i would have hit you by now!"

Kongpob couldnt help but laugh at how his husband is acting all cute,even when he is sick. Mr Rojnapat was just sitting beside Arthit, watching the interaction between Arthit, Kongpob and Art. 

I never saw Arthit like this before, He thought.

This made him want more to take care of his son.

Kong saw Mr. Rojnapat's expression, and stood up, "I'll just go get some food for us, It's almost lunch time, Art want to come?" He asked Art.

Art read Kongpob's intention and nodded. "Oh right! I need to get food for Dr. Mew too! He hast even had breakfast yet! Im soooo dead!" He said rushing outside of the door while wai-ing to Mr Rojnapat.

Mr Ronajnapat and Arthit were left alone in the room.

Arthit was silent as he didnt know what to say or how to start a conversation with his Por, until Mr Rojnapar broke the silence.

"Arthit I... I'm really sorry for my actions before... I-I never realized that i was already ruining your life my trying to build up mine. I wasnt able to move on from your mother, and now... you got the same one too... If only I saw this earlier..."

He was cut off my Arthit. "I forgive you Por, and please dont punish yourself anymore. Mae would also not be happy if she saw you like this... So please Por... be happy... for me..."

Mr. Rojnapat nodded and hugged his son. "I will take care of you from now on. I promise to your mom that I will wake care of you... and You will get better I promise to your mother that I will save you..."

A knock was heard from the door. Dr Mew came in,

"Oh Arthit, Mr Rojnapat how are you two doing?

Have you seen Art? Ive been looking for him since this morning, I asked him to get me some food but until now he still hasnt come back." Arthit and Mr Rojnapat chuckled as they remember Art's face when he was rushing out the door to get Dr. Mew some food.

"Well anyway... Mr. Rojnapat i think you were already told what you were asked to come herefor?" Dr Mew asked

"You mean the bone marrow transplant for my son? Yes I am well aware of that and I am more than willing to donate mine for my son." Mr Rojnapat nodded.

"Thats great to know then when will you be ready to do the procedure then?" Dr Mew.

"Soon as possible doctor. I dont want my son to suffer more longer, He's already suffered enough."

Mr Rojnapat said.

Dr Mew nodded "Then we will do the procedure by tomorrow is that alright with you?"

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