Chapter 35 - Home

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual theme that may not be comfortable for readers. Guidance is advised.

The plane landed back in Thailand, Arthit, Kongpob and Mr Rojnapat were walking exiting to the arrival area when Kongpob and Arthit found a huge banner saying "Welcome Back Kongpob and Arthit!"

Toota and Bright were waving the banner while screaming out their names like wild fans who saw their favorite idol.

Wad, Aim, Tew and Oak were waving their hands calling out to the couple. Bright, Prem and Knot were smiling brightly seeing the couple. and P'Jane also came to welcome them back.

Kongpob and Arthit ran to their friends and hugged each and every one of them, While greeting them with "Welcome back" and "How are you?"

Bright hugged Arthit "Im really happy that you're all healthy again Ai'Thit."

Toota was crying while hugging Arthit. "Im soooo glad to see you again!!" Prem and Knott were smiling but were wiping tears from their eyes.

"Im so happy to see you again guys! I thought that i would never see you again..." Arthit said

"Good thing your boyfrieed was there to take care of you." Prem said

"Oh you mean his husband?" Mr Rojnapat suddenly spoke from behind Arthit. Everyone fell silent and wai-ed at him, until Toota realized what the old man has just said.

"Wait, What? Husband?! Oh My Gosh Arthit you're married to Kongpob now?! And we didnt even know?!" Toota exclaimed with wide eyes. Every one was speechless.

Kongpob looked at P'Jane "I thought you already told them?" Jane shook his head smiling "I thought it would be better if they found out themselves from you guys."

"P! How can you hide something that important from us?!" Aim was sulking pouting his lips.

Bright hugged Arthit again and congratulated him and Kongpob. Toota was sulking though "We werent invited to their wedding. He didnt think of us as friends!" He said pouting his lips.

"Oho dont worry P, that was just to make us legally married, but we will have a wedding here with a proper ceremony with you guys." Kongpob said

Toota's face brightened "Can I be the wedding planner?! Oh I've got the perfect thing for your wedding!!" Toota excitedly said while clapping his hands.

"Of course P we were just about to ask you before we get out of here." Kong said

"By the way I have set you guys a room at the penthouse that we've been before." P'Jane said

Everyone went to the car to go to the hotel until Mr Rojnapat approached Jane. "Jane, thank you very much for taking care of them, us... i mean..." but Jane cut him off.

"Dont overthink about it Mr Rojnapat. If Arthit and Kong believes in you then so will I. this also reminds me of what i used to be until i got a second chance. and now I want to extend that second chance to you." He said with a smile.

Mr Rojnapat smiled at him and nodded as a thank you.

"P'Jane! Por! what are you still doing there? Come one!" Arthit shouted from the car waving at them to come. the two men went to the car and they drove off to the penthouse.

Everyone had a party at the pool eating and drinking. Mr Rojnapat toasted with P'Jane with their expensive wine. while the other drank beer and played games in the pool. Everyone had fun until one by one they retired back to their rooms drunk. Arthit got out of the bathroom wearing his bathrobe, He haw his husband on the balcony of their room.

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