Epilogue - Forever Promise

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2 years have passed since that night. Not much have changed since then only that Kongpob and Arthit's family has grown.

Arthit was sitting on the picnic blanket preparing the sandwiches.

"Ai'Thit! We brought some more snacks!" Bright shouted as he approached Arthit. Toota, and Knott raising the snacks and drinks they brought

"Oh Ai'Bright, Ai'Toot, and Ai'Knott its great that you guys came! but where is Ai'Prem?" Arthit asked.

Bright pointed behind them. Arthit saw Prem with Wad, his arm over Wad's shoulder. They were chuckling at each other.

"Hi P'Arthit, we brought some desserts." Wad said as Prem placed the desserts on the picnic blanket.

Arthit nodded and smiled, He got lost in his thoughts, "It has been a year since Prem and Wad really became a couple. It was weird because they didnt really interact before but according to Bright and Toota that was because they were both shy, but now they are officially a couple as well.

Knot now also has a girlfriend and they are getting married next year. As for Toota, he is still single but he is now a very famous events manager, who knows he might find love during one of his events.

Bright still wanted to be a manager he is now managing a boy named Gun, and they are pretty close."

"P'Arthit! We came too!" Aim was shouting, he was jogging with his now girlfriend May.

"Sawadee P, Prae is bringing us some more drinks, is it okay if she came with her girlfriend?" May asked

"No problem!" Arthit said smiling,

"By the way Aim, Wad where are the others?" Arthit asked

"Oh P Tew is on his way with his new junior assistant Dae, He needed to get Oak and Maprang from the airport, you know they just got back here from their honeymoon." Aim explained and Wad nodded.

"Yup, Oak and Maprang got married, Who would have thought right? We were all surprised as well, I think i know it happened when we all drank about a year ago and they both got really drunk... The next thing we knew Maprang was demanding Oak to marry her. Oh well... good for them at least." Arthit thought again

Arthit's phone rang, "Oh hello Nam?"

"Thit! Jay and I are on the way, I'm so excited! I hope he likes the cake I baked for him!" Nam said from the other line.

"Im sure he will! Be careful, almost everyone is here already." Arthit said and hung up the phone.

A car parked in front of the park, P'Jane came out with Mr. Rojanapt.

"Alright where is the birthday boy? I got him some presents!" Mr Rojnapat said happily.

Mr Rojanapat was asked by P'Jane if he wanted to become a board member in the company again, but he declined and said that he wanted to do charity work instead so he was asked to overlook the Charity works of the company which he is doing very well.

"He's with his Papa Por." Arthit said

"We also brought some balloons!" P'Jane said

"P' He will love those, Oh here they come!" Arthit said.

A little boy by the age of 2 was running towards Arthit. "Mama!" The called out happily.

"Fiat! It's Daddy not Mama!" Arthit protested.

"But Papa said call you Mama..." Little Fiat said while doing the puppy eyes that he learned from his father as an effective way to make Arthit give in.

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