Chapter 22 - The Heir

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After the introduction of Kongpob at the party last night, Mr Rojnapat was fuming in anger.

He went to his office smashing some of his furniture. "What the hell is going on here?! Why is the street rat back?! and now he claiming to be the dead heir of the Sutthiluck!? That money should have been mine!!!" He smashed his largest vase in anger. He was breathing heavily. "Fine boy if you want to play it that game then I'll play with you and I'll make sure that you will lose, even if i play dirty!" He gritted his teeth while cursing.

He again walked out of his office ordering his men to clean up the room and replace the broken things.

He was walking at the hallway when his assistant went to him. "Mr Rojnapat the board wants a meeting this morning." She said

"We didnt have any meeting today that i can remember." He answered back

"It was just made this morning sir, they said it is quite urgent." She told him.

"Fine tell them ill be there." He answered and proceeded to the meeting room. When he got there He saw a man sitting on one of the chairs. He was the first one in the room. He closed the door behind him.

"You!?" He hissed gritting his teeth, He walked towards Kongpob who stood up from his chair and looked at Mr Rojnapat with an intimidating glare.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead?! and you should have stayed dead!" He spat at Kongpob.

Kong kept his composure and smiled at Mr. Rojnapat. "Good morning to you too Mr Rojnapat. It has been quite a long time since we last encountered each other. Who would have known that We would once again meet like this? I mean I am the heir to my father's rights in this company. Who would have thought that we would be on the same level now?" Kongpob smirked as Mr. Rojnapat glared at him making him more angry.

"I am warning you boy! What ever game you're playing, I will make sure that You will lose and i dont care what method I use. I will make sure that you will be gone for good!" He threatened Kong.

Kong rolled his eyes at him and chuckled. "Well Mr. Rojnapat, just to remind you, we are adults here now, and we're not playing any games, this is reality. You have to live with it. and you playing dirty? thats an understatement for you." Kongpob said.

Mr Rojnapat glared at him, when the door opened and the other board members came inside.

"Oh Mr Sutthiluck and Mr Rojnapat you guys were the earliest to come here." A woman said.

Mr Rojnapat's expression suddenly changed, He smiled at her "Ah yes Mrs. Peemapol I was just welcoming Mr Sutthiluck here as our new member." He went to sit the the sea on the opposite side of Kong. when all the board members were there.

"Okay it's time to start our meeting." A man said.

"Mr. Pawat, I'm just wondering, what this meeting is for? and why is it so urgent?" Mr Rojnapat asked.

"Well as we all know we have our newest and youngest Board Member, Mr. Kongpob Sutthiluck and he asked for the meeting since he wanted to inform us about something." Mr Pawat said.

'Jane went into the room with some papers. Kongpob stood up.

"Well everyone, first thank you very much for your warm welcome and hospitalily, though I am young and just new to this field i would really need your guidance for us to become more successful in the future. Right now I have inherited the rights and stocks of both my parents in this company, and I am currently holding 65% of the stocks, i would like to give the 15 % to my brother P'Jane Sutthiluck, as a thank you for all his hard work and loyalty to my parents, me and our company." Jane was surprised by this announcement.

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