Chapter 1 - The Celebrity

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15 years have passed, Arthit is now living his dream of being a famous model and actor, He uses his screen name Krist...

He was on stage, lights glimmering, cameras flashing, crowds cheering, screaming and chanting his name. He smiles at the cameras, and they flash some more. He winks at his fans, and they cheer more... until the show was over and he walks out the stage. He was approached by his two bodyguards, Knot and Prem, his personal assistant, who does his make up and wardrobe, Toota and his manager Bright. 

"You did excellent as always Oon." Bright complimented him. 

"Bright! How many times should tell you to NOT CALL ME OON!" Arthit snapped at Bright. 

"Okay Okay KRIST! there I called you by your screen name! Sheesh!" Bright complained and rolled his eyes.

Arthit has changed since then... He became arrogant, hotheaded and unkind. He didnt give importance or care much to his friends. 

"Wear a smile now were coming outside, you know for your fans." Bright said. 

"No need to remind me." He said in a flat tone. And as he opened the door he smiled, the crowds cheered and screamed his name. 


"I love you Krist!!!!!" 

"Youre the best Krist!!!!" his fans shouted. 

He just waved his hands. A lot of girls and boys rushed to him to give him gifts, Prem and Knot moved in front of Arthit to protect him from the crowd. Arthit took the gifts and just dropped them in a bag that Toota was holding. 

"Not even thanking his fans" Bright whispered to Toota. Toota just looked blankly at Bright. 

Then reporters came to him for an interview, "Krist how do you fell about your success?" One reporter asked. 

Krist just smiled and him. "Well I'm quite used to it. I love all the attention and love coming from the fans and producers for giving me this." 

Another reporter asked "If you were not this famous or if you were not a celebrity what would you be?" 

"I would be the owner of the biggest business empire, I am an heir to my father's empire after all." Arthit said. 

"Alright that would be enough questions for now our Krist here needs to rest." Bright informed the reporters, 

Prem and Knot gestured to the reporters to move, and they did making way for Krist. Krist walked until he reached his limo, followed by Bright, Toota then Prem and Knot. 

"Were in the car now is it okay to call you by your real name?" Asked Bright.

Arthit rolled his eyes. "Ugh! Fine Krist your father wants to see you." He continued. 

"Fine lets go meet my beloved father." playing a sarcastic tone. The limo stopped at a tall building Arthit, Bright, Toota, Prem and Knot.

The receptionist bowed upon seeing him, he ignored her and just walked towards the room of his father. 

"Papa I'm here why did you want to speak to me? What is this about?" Arthit said. 

"Is this how you greet your father Arthit?" His father snapped at him. 

Arthit rolled his eyes and wai-ed at his father. Mr. Rojnapat signaled the rest to move out of the room. Bright, Toota, Prem and Knot went out of the room. 

Bright noticed Toota just being quiet this day when he was usually bubbly and energetic. 

"Toota is there something wrong? Did Arthit shout at you again?" He asked. 

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