Chapter 8 - A Stormy Night

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This chapter contains mature and sexual contents, proceed with caution and discretion.


Singto held Arthit's hand and they ran out the door, they went to the streets but then Singto saw a group of men walking in the darkness, Singto pulled Arthit near behind a wall, the rain was already falling down hard. 

Sing heard one of the men say "Is this where Jon is? We need to get back at those bastards for stealing from us at the bar!" 

Oh no this is trouble! Singto thought. 

"We need to hide." Singto whispered to Arthit. Arthit nodded. 

They were already soaking wet due to the heavy rain. Singto found a small shack, they went in to hide from the heavy rain and the guys who were looking for Jon. 

"Lets stay here to get dried P." Singto told Arthit, Arthit was quiet and just nodded. 

"If you want to take a rest you can take a rest P, I'll just be here dont worry." Arthit smiled and nodded, then Singto noticed that tears were falling from Arthit's eyes. He rushed to Arthit, 

"P'Arthit? Are you alright?" He held Arthit's cheek, Arthit's smile turned into sobs, then bursting into tears. Singto hugged Arthit. Arthit hugged him back burying his face in the crook of Singto's neck, crying as hard as he can. Singto just let him cry and patted his back. 

"It's okay now P, I'm here I promise to protect you and take care of you." Arthit's sobs slowly calmed down 

"Thank you Sing..." Arthit whispered. 

They were in that position until Arthit fell asleep, Singto slowly laid Arthit down and sat beside the sleeping boy. He wiped the remaining tears on Arthit's eyes and he also removed the hair covering the boy's eyes. until he noticed that the boy's skin was feverishly hot. Then he noticed that Arthit was red because of his fever. He searched for a pail in the shack and found a small one, he put it under the rain to collect some water. He also tried to get some dry wood in the shack and tried to make a fire from it to keep them warm. He looked at Arthit who was shivering in the cold, but is too hot to touch. He ripped the sleeves of his shirt and placed them in the water he got in the small pail and wiped Arthit to cool his body down. 

Kong removed Arthit's shirt to wipe his body and hung the shirt near the fire to make it dry. Then also placed Arthit near the small fire to keep him warm, but the small fire was not enough to keep the shivering Arthit warm enough. 

Singto didnt know what to do anymore, when he remembered that he felt warm when he slept beside Aim when he gave his blanket to Arthit. But his shirt was also wet. He removed his shirt and hung it just beside Arthit's shirt and he sat near the fire and pulled Arthit to his body hugging Arthit from behind. 

A few moments after Arthit stopped shivering his breathing has slowed down now. Singto thought that Arthit was already sleeping. He actually felt very comfortable with their position and he smiled and snuggled closed kissing the back of Arthit's head and closed his eyes to sleep. A few moments after, he felt Arthit move and faced him. Singto opened his eyes and saw Arthit staring at him. 

"How are you feeling now?" He asked Arthit stating into his eyes. 

"Warm... Comfortable..." He saw a blush appeared on Arthit's face. 

He's so damn cute! I cant take my eyes off him. Im really falling for this boy... How can someone be this cute? Singto thought. His heart beats hard and fast. 

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