Chapter 26 - The Truth

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A few weeks have passed and the wedding of Arthit and Nam were already prepared, they will be wedded tomorrow.

"Well everything is in place, I've made sure that nothing will be stopping this wedding." Mr Rojnapat said to Mr Krittipak.

"Thats good Mr Rojnapat how did you make sure of that." said Mr Krittipak smiling.

"Well i have my ways to make sure of everything." He replied with a smirk.

"Okay then ill trust your preparation and judgement Mr Rojnapat." Mr Krittipak said.

"Arthit are you really sure about this?" Toota asked Arthit.

Arthit didnt answer. Toota just let out a deep sigh until Arthit broke the silence.

"I cant hurt Nam Toot, and there no one waiting for me anyway... " and I have to protect you guys... Arthit thought.

Just like before he got me under his strings again and like then im still powerless to fight... Arthit thought.

"But I thought you love Kongpob?" Toota asked.

Arthit smiled weakly, "I do...but he doesnt feel the same way... he Hates me Ai'Toot..."

Toota looks at him with sadness in his eyes. "You know what Ai'Thit, i really wish that a miracle would happen and you will find your true happiness."

Toota holds Arthit's hand and squeezes it. Arthit smiles weakly and mouths a "Thank you"

"Well its your big day tomorrow. you should get some beauty sleep." Toota told Arthit, He nodded and bid good night to his friend.

He forced himself to sleep though he couldnt, He was just waiting for his impending doom.

Kongpob on the other hand was also awake and couldnt sleep, he was thinking about the day that Arthit and Nam would be married, He wanted to stop the wedding, but his anger and hate was clouding him. Tomorrow would be the day that the person he loves the most will be lost forever.

Morning came, and everyone was preparing for the wedding. Kong and P'Jane was stepping out of the door. When P'Jane held Kong's shoulder.

"Kong, this will be the last chance to tell you this please listen before it is too late." He said

"P' I told you..." Kong was going to interrupt him again when his P cut him off this time.

"No! enough running away Kong! Please forget about your pride and listen to me! You have to know the truth! Arthit he only did that to protect..." P'Jane suddenly stopped when he saw a man wearing a black cap, sunglasses and a mask pointing a gun at Kongpob. He suddenly grabbed his brother and turned him around. BANG!! a gun shot was heard.

Kongpob was shocked with what was happening, The man suddenly ran away but the guards ran after him. Kong looked at his brother's pale face, he felt something wet from his P's back and when he raised his hand he was frozen seeing red liquid all over his hands.

"P?! Help!! please help!!" He shouted, the other guards ran to them to help P'Jane they rushed him to the hospital.

Kong was so worried about his P tears were falling from his eyes. "Please help him! please save my brother!" he kept on begging the doctors and nurses.

Meanwhile the wedding march has already started. Mr Rojnapat was smiling widely seeing Arthit march towards the isle. Then Nam, she wore a beautiful white dress. The Minister started the ceremony. Mr Rojanapat looked at his phone then smirked.

Arthit was scanning the people withing the area, his eyes searching for the face he longed to see, but he was not there. Arthit felt pain in his chest, and he started to feel a bit light headed.

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