Chapter 16 - Day 6

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It was the crack of dawn, Singto woke up at the sun's first light. He could see Arthit beside him cuddling him, He smiled and kissed the boy's forehead. It was still too early to get up but he seemed to be fully awake now and wont be able to get back to sleep. He carefully removed Arthit's arm around him and placed his pillow. He noticed Arthit buried his face on the pillow and inhaled his scent, the sleeping boy make a cute smile. but he noticed a tear falling from the boy's eye, He also noticed Arthit was murmuring something in his sleep.

"Mae... please dont leave... Oon loves you... Dont want to be alone..." He heard him say. He went near the sleeping boy to wipe the tears starting to fall, but he was stopped at what he heard next... "miss... Kong..."

Singto POV

I felt a sudden heavy pain in my chest, when i heard P say Kong's name. Ineed some fresh air so I went out to the terrace of our room. I didnt know why, but I kind of felt hurt maybe? or jealous? i dont know... maybe both... maybe thats the reason why he still doesnt accept me wholly, maybe he still loves his Kong and is still waiting for him to come back... I dont know... my mind is in a daze... When I felt arms wrap around my waist. I didnt move because i know it is, the smell, the soft skin, the warmth... it's only P'Arthit who has this kind of feeling.

"I woke up and you werent there." He said while he buried his face on my nape. I didnt respond really, i just hummed at him. "I had a nightmare." He continued. Then i felt something wet at my nape. Is he crying? I couldnt handle this! I turned around and cupped his face, he was pale again, and his eyes were full of emotions i couldnt really understand, Sadness? Fear? Loneliness? Guilt? Hurt? Helplessness? Love? What's going on inside your head P? I couldnt understand anything anymore. I hugged him to give him comfort and he sobbed at first until he started crying hard. I never let him go, I never said a single word but I let him feel that I am there with him. He hugged me tighter than before that it started to hurt. His hug tells me that he didnt want me to go anywhere, he wanted me to stay. Which I answered with a kiss on his forehead. He kept on crying for minutes, until it slowly turned into sobs, until he was quiet...

"P'Oon?" I called out to him that was kind of a whisper actually. He didnt respond, did he fall asleep after crying? Oh hell yes he did... he looks like a child when he is like this, so vulnerable, so fragile. I slowly picked him up bridal style and placed him back on the bed. He was still not letting go of me, so I stayed there with him. I brushed the hair that as on his face, I saw dried tear marks flowing to his cheeks and brushed them off with my thumbs. and kissed him on the forehead and I whispered.

"I Love you P'Oon. I wish I could be the one who always protects and cares for you. I wish i could be your... husband..." i never thought that i could be able to whisper those cheesy words. I chuckled at my own cheesiness, but the saying the word "husband" suddenly flashed a scene in my head.

"what do you like to be when you grow up?"

"Hmmm i want to be a famous actor, model and singer! I want to be a super star! How about you?"

"Hmmmmmm i want to be... Your husband!!"

Still the boy was with had a blurry face but he reminded me a lot of P'Arthit. After having that scene i suddenly felt a headache. and since P'Arthit is still sleeping and not letting me go I decided to continued sleeping as well to rest for my headache.

Arthit POV

After meeting my dad again last night I was soooooo angry! His eyes and his face kept on reminding me of what I need to do to protect Singto from him. I dont know why my father turned out that way, but he was not like that before... yeah he was very strict and was always busy for work, but... he was also kind and gentle and he was very loving especially to my mom, She was very beautiful and a renowned actress, singer and model. I wanted to be like her when I grew up that's why i took up show business, and I even based my screen name on her name Krista Rojnapat.

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