Chapter 11 - Day 1

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Seven days are all I have to be with him. How will I tell him? How will I do it? Singto...

Arthit's thoughts running through his mind.

Day 1

Arthit took Singto and his friends to a private resort to have fun at the beach. Oak and Aim went running to the sea as soon as they saw it.

"Okay children lets be careful." Wad called out.

"Shut up Wad! Dont pretend that you're not excited at all! you more excited than us yesterday when we found out that we're going to the beach today!" Oak protested.

"You even packed some floating devices!" Aim added teasing Wad. Wad walked to both of hem calmly, But both Oak and Aim knew that Wad will hit them so they ran and Wad ran after them. Everyone laughed at their antics. Until Jane called out to them

"Okay children the food is ready eat first before you go play in the water." He said teasing them. They all went to the hotel dining area to eat lunch first.

"Were gonna drink tonight and have a barbeque with a bonfire!" Bright said cheerfully making Oak and Aim cheer with Toota and Bright. Prem and Knot cheered with Wad and Singto cheered with Arthit.

After their lunch they all played in the water, Singto went to sit on the sand and started writing on the sand with his finger, S with a small heart then A inside a big heart.

"What are you doing?" Arthit asked peeking behind Singto making him jolt up in surprise. He tried to hide his sand scribble.

"Ah P'Oon! I-I was just playing in the sand." He said trying erase his scribble with his foot. Arthit looked at Singto with a questioning look. Singto just beamed a smile. He didnt know that Arthit already saw what he was doing and just smiled.

"Lets go back to the cottage." Singto said. He then grabbed Arthit's hand and dragged Arthit,

Arthit looked back and saw the scribble on the sand slowly being washed away by the sea. He felt sad seeing this. He felt like it was fate that will separate them, He already lost Kong, then his mom, they left him... now he will do the same with Singto. But he needs to he must protect him even if it breaks both of their hearts... but for now... make the best out of the moment.

The sun has already set they already had their dinner, they are very excited about the bonfire that they are having. Prem and Wad were starting to make the fire while Oak and Aim were getting more firewood. Knot and Tew brought the snacks while Bright and Toota got the drinks. They sat around the fire, snacks in hand and cheering with their drinks.

"How about we play a game so we could get to know each other more?" Bright said

"Truth or dare!!!!" Toota screamed Prem and Know covered their ears.

"Okay Rules! we will spin the bottle twice, first spin will ask or command, second spin will be the one who be answer or do the dare!"

"We know how to play Truth or Dare Ai'Toot!" Prem said and Toota snorted at him.

Bright got a bottle and spinned it. The bottle first pointed at Toota and the second spin pointed Arthit.

"Sooooooo Arthit!" Toota called with a smug smile. "Truth~ or Dare~?" he asked like he was singing. "Truth." Arthit answered bluntly.

"Okay! Do like Singto?" Toota asked in a teasing tone. Singto looked at Arthit with his puppy eyes, and Arthit turned red and turned his red face away from Singto. "So? Answer me Arthit!" Toota demanded.

Arthit looked at Singto then Toota and blunly said "No." Singto's face frowned upon hearing that. "because I just dont like him, I really really Lo-like him." He whispered in Singto's ear that made Singto smile widely and blushed looking at Arthit who winked at him.

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