Chapter 29 - Trial

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A few days have passed. Mr. Rojnapat will have his trial on court today.

"Arthit are you sure you want to do this?" Bright asked him while n the wheelchair. Arthit nodded, Bright gave a sigh and nodded.

"What ever happens always remember that we are always here for you okay?" Bright said.

Toota held Arthit's hand while Prem and Knot patted his shoulders.

Arthit's face was getting even paler than before, his skin is as almost white as snow, his once pink lips has no color to them either. but he still wanted to go to the trial than rest in the hospital.

Kongpob knocked on the door, "P'Arthit are you ready?"

Arthit nodded and Kongpob pushed his wheelchair out of the room, where P'Jane was waiting for them.

Kongpob, Arthit, P'Jane went to the court, all of their other friends were there. Even the other board members of the company attended the trial.

Arthit looked around to see a lot of people attending the trial some were spectators, others were people from their company, others were media and others were friends or so called friends.

Arthit looked at the front where could see some people that he thinks are the jury, the judge at the top.The police man brought his father out and sat him in frint of the judge.

The judge's assisstant called the name of his father "The trial of Mr. Sun Rojnapat against all the charges against him. Mr. Sun Rojnapat how do you plead?"

"Guilty your honor." Mr Rojnapat answered calmly.

His admitting of the crimes he commited surprised and shocked most of the poeple in the courtroom.

"Your honor may i speak a few words? after this you can take me back to my cell. I admit everything that i have done wrong and I am ready to face the consequesnces of my actions." Mr. Rojnapat asked the judge who nodded to his request.

Mr Rojnapat faced them. His eyes specially set on Kong and Arthit.

"I would like to apologize to everyone, for my actions. I have been blinded by greed that made me do those despicable things. I wouldnt point fingers to anyone for all of these are my actions and from my decisions alone. I will adress each of them." He said.

"First, I apologize to the company for transfering money to my account, I was because I want to get back on the people who took me out as the CEO. All my accounts had been transfered tomy son Arthit's accounts and the money that was taken from the company is already being returned. I apologize for breaking the trust you had in me." He said then bowed tp then asking for apology

"second is to Kongpob Sutthiluck and Jane Sutthiluck, whom hurt and almost took your lives. I have been blinded by my greed and my pride. My bestfriend would probably hate me and hount me where ever he is right now for hurting his sons." Please forgive me. He bowed to Kong and Jane.

"and lastly to my son, Arthit, son I know i havent been the best father to you, and i deeply regret that especially now, have been blinded by my dreams to have forgotten about you. I want you to know that i dont blame you for your mom's death, but i blame myself for not taking care of her, and you... I am so sorry Arthit, for hurting you, for using you, using your friends against you, forcing you to do what i want, i have been ambitious that i forgot that i am a father and that you are my son. I know you wont forgive me, and i will pay for my crimes. but please Arthit promise me one thing... Please dont die like your mom... please live a happy and well life... if not for me, then live for her... You are a very strong man Arthit, you got that from your mother..." He said tears running down his cheeks

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