Chapter 25 - The Pieces That Fit

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Kong Pov:

It has been weeks since his last encounter with Arthit when he asked him to offer himself. He couldnt find it in himself to hurt Arthit this way. He couldnt hurt Arthit any further so he told him that he didnt want to see him ever again. When Arthit left he couldnt stop himself from crying because he hurt himself as well as Arthit. He knew that Arthit would still attempt so see him, so he turned cold and pretended that Arthit was not there, though he couldnt stop himself from taking glimpses of the man he loves.

Kong was in the office when Aim came running through his door.

"Kong! May is coming here! they just arrived from the US! she brought Prae and Maprang too!"

Aim was so happy to announce the arrival of his girlfriend.

Kong was surprised by the sudden visit of their friends, especially Prae. She was like a sister that he never had. They were very close. Prae wasnt interested in boys and she saw him as her own brother. 

Kong, Aim, Tew, Oak and Wad hurried to the airport to pick up their friends. They were all very happy to see each other. They got them a room to one of their hotels nearby for them to take a rest, but the girls insisted that they wanted to have dinner with them and go to a bar to have some fun.

They had a dinner at one of the local eateries since they missed street food so much.

"Kong how have you been? Your now the CEO of your family's company right?" Prae asked Kong.

He nodded with a smile, "So have you done what you wanted to do with the evil man and his son?" She asked. His smile slowly disappeared and was replaced by a sad expression.

Prae noticed this change "You still love him do you?" She asked, but Kong didnt answer.

"Instead of getting vengeance why dont you try to get him back?" Maprang asked and Prea nodded.

Kong still didnt answer. There was silence between them for a few minutes until Kong broke it.

"He's engaged and is going to be married in a few weeks." His voice was cold but sadness could be heard from it.

Prea breathed deeply and spoke. "So what are you going to do about it? are you going to let him be tied to someone else forever? or you gonna fight for him?" Kong looked at Prae but his eyes were a hesitant.

Kong still didnt answer. "He threw me away before like i was just a worn out toy. He never loved me. He just comes after now because he was guilty or maybe he still wanted to play then leave me again." Kong said.

"Okay enough of this drama! how about about lets go to the club for now and have fun and forget all of these sad things?" Maprang suggested standing up. Oak agreed and the others followed.

When they got to the bar, Kong was frozen on his place he saw the face that he really wanted to avoid. Prae noticed him and saw he was staring, She saw a man with fair skin, but quite pale, and a bit skinny, but he was undeniably beautiful. She whispered into Kong's ear "Is that him? He is really cute...I might fall for his looks if only was a girl." She said teasingly.

Kong whispered back "its a good thing he has a d*ck that youre not interested in." Prae laughed at Kong's statement.

They entered with the rest of their friends and sat on a table. Kong passed by Arthit who was  still following him with his gaze.

"He was staring at you, He never took his eyes off you Kong. He still loves you!" Prae said in a low voice that only Kong could hear.

While they were dancing Prae noticed Kong and Arthit stealing glances from each other she had this idea to make the latter a bit jealous, so she went close to Kong, too close and then she saw Arthit's face became dark she knew her suspicion was right. She continued this act until a girl went into the bar dragging Arthit to their seats.

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